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6/2/2020 c5 Pleasingjennifer
So so funny , I love the pet names ,thank you for telling the story ! !
6/4/2020 c12 Pleasingjennifer
Such a funny chapter and all the CIA stuff ... Ding dong the witch is dead ! Ana pew ! Just chuckling as i read is so much fun ! To shae
6/4/2020 c11 Pleasingjennifer
GI Ana so cool . I love how she takes down everyone and wakes up everyone on how skilled she is ! This is such a nice book to read !
6/3/2020 c8 Pleasingjennifer
I hope Taylor and Welch's friends can find all the negatives and photos ...
6/2/2020 c4 Pleasingjennifer
Such a great book and i love the back and forth
6/1/2020 c2 Pleasingjennifer
I love love love this ! I always love the fluffy chatter back and forth . Made me giggle and its nice when that happens !
6/1/2020 c1 Pleasingjennifer
Well the story was finished five plus years ago so you cant change things. Its a good start. I wish someone would write one were he is not so screwed up with Mrs Robinson . Chapter was nice !
3/30/2020 c31 wkathryn71
Thanks for the great story I wish you would have kept it going
3/30/2020 c29 wkathryn71
She better
3/24/2020 c27 P Self
I can’t believe Christian just stood there and let his grandma keep slapping his future wife and did not do or say anything, what an ass!
3/24/2020 c26 P Self
Nobody should be calling you names, this is your story not theirs. Write it the way you want you are very talented!
3/22/2020 c4 P Self
Love this story, good writing!
3/19/2020 c5 Guest
His arms are TAUT by her side, not TAUGHT. Sigh.
3/19/2020 c4 Guest
The leader of a school is the principal, not the principle. Remember: the princiPAL is your PAL.
3/19/2020 c4 Guest
What the heck is "HU"?
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