12/5/2015 c1 lissa-aloha
Hi! I absolute love The Palace (sorry for not reviewing it - I kinda read all 42 chapters in a few hours). I would absolutely love to see more of this, and to read more of the Palace! What you have so far on both is wonderful. I love how you've kept key characteristics of the characters the same, but they're also so different. Thank you so much for sharing this with us!
Hi! I absolute love The Palace (sorry for not reviewing it - I kinda read all 42 chapters in a few hours). I would absolutely love to see more of this, and to read more of the Palace! What you have so far on both is wonderful. I love how you've kept key characteristics of the characters the same, but they're also so different. Thank you so much for sharing this with us!
1/22/2015 c1 Guest
It really is good I enjoy the theme and how you use the title in one katara lines but..we miss you In ThePalace cone back XOXO
It really is good I enjoy the theme and how you use the title in one katara lines but..we miss you In ThePalace cone back XOXO
1/13/2015 c1 lealoveszuko
I really like this idea! Please run away with it like you did with The Palace!3
I really like this idea! Please run away with it like you did with The Palace!3
1/12/2015 c1 Fan
I can tell right now that this book is going to be great!
I can tell right now that this book is going to be great!
1/9/2015 c1 Kym
I like it so far!
I like it so far!
1/8/2015 c1 Aaliyah92
This looks like it's going to be a really promising story! Adding to follows :)
This looks like it's going to be a really promising story! Adding to follows :)
1/8/2015 c1 blueaoineechan
This looks really promising, maybe as big as your, "The Palace." I hope you continue this, and if so, I can't wait for the next chapter! :D
This looks really promising, maybe as big as your, "The Palace." I hope you continue this, and if so, I can't wait for the next chapter! :D
1/7/2015 c1 CelticSun14
Came over here after reading the Palace :) I like it so far. Also, I feel like I should tell you that if you had finished the comics, you would know that Ozai is in fact Zuko's father after all-Ursa just wrote the letter saying that Zuko was Ikem's son to find out if Ozai was reading her letters. Anyway, love your work, keep writing!
Came over here after reading the Palace :) I like it so far. Also, I feel like I should tell you that if you had finished the comics, you would know that Ozai is in fact Zuko's father after all-Ursa just wrote the letter saying that Zuko was Ikem's son to find out if Ozai was reading her letters. Anyway, love your work, keep writing!
1/7/2015 c1 Guest
Just don't stop, ok? :)
Just don't stop, ok? :)
1/6/2015 c1 Gordon Hail
Oooooooo this is gooooood. Keep rolling with your instincts on this one. Yeah dont follow the comics, they're bad... there is no zutara in them :D
Oooooooo this is gooooood. Keep rolling with your instincts on this one. Yeah dont follow the comics, they're bad... there is no zutara in them :D
1/6/2015 c1 idstealer000
You state Zuko and Katara do not have feelings for each other, but at the top says eventual UGH Zutara. So Katara is going to leave Aang because Zuko is feeling sorry for himself (lets have a pity party) and can't handle the responsibility he took on, but Aang can, please. Or will this be about how Aang has no time for Katara because of his responsabilities, but Zuko will have plenty of time for her because rebuilding a nation is easier, gimme a break. And really what does that say about Katara (whore) being a strong women, oh pay attention to me guys. If you can't tell I'm a KatAanger, not a Taang or a Zutarian.
You state Zuko and Katara do not have feelings for each other, but at the top says eventual UGH Zutara. So Katara is going to leave Aang because Zuko is feeling sorry for himself (lets have a pity party) and can't handle the responsibility he took on, but Aang can, please. Or will this be about how Aang has no time for Katara because of his responsabilities, but Zuko will have plenty of time for her because rebuilding a nation is easier, gimme a break. And really what does that say about Katara (whore) being a strong women, oh pay attention to me guys. If you can't tell I'm a KatAanger, not a Taang or a Zutarian.