1/28/2015 c2
OH MY GOD! This is too perfect omg Swerve you aft omg Cyclonus you could misunderstood fucker omg Tailgate was too adorable omg this is so perfect I can't deal right now.
I love all the descriptions and the metaphors were so good I loved reading this. And you made me laugh a lot between the cute and sexy smut like the heartfelt proclamation omg Tailgate I can't even.
Love you so much for this Oh. My. God

OH MY GOD! This is too perfect omg Swerve you aft omg Cyclonus you could misunderstood fucker omg Tailgate was too adorable omg this is so perfect I can't deal right now.
I love all the descriptions and the metaphors were so good I loved reading this. And you made me laugh a lot between the cute and sexy smut like the heartfelt proclamation omg Tailgate I can't even.
Love you so much for this Oh. My. God