Just In
for A Tale of Two Doctors

3/21/2020 c2 2Irina Hunter
I get that 24601 is a refence to Les Mis, but is there a signifigance to 490133846? If so, what is it?
2/24/2018 c4 1Sharkisha the 3rd
Wow! I really enjoyed this! It's been awhile since you've updated, but I hope you continue to do so!
10/4/2017 c2 7Lenneth le-Fay
This story is great! About Bones though, maybe he should be a little more sarcastic -he's acting a bit too cheerful and kind.
7/27/2016 c3 1animals202
Well, I've always wanted to "punch it" like Sulu and I wouldn't mind wearing a yellow shirt.
11/23/2015 c4 11Loves to read books
Nice story. Can't wait till next update. Keep up the great work. Hope John isn't hurt.
8/8/2015 c2 Guest
I DID CATCH THE LES MIS REFERENCE!'it made me laugh. Why not number 24601? This is a great story.
8/7/2015 c2 eSpiderHan
Hi, I just want to say that this story is awesome, and even if you don't finish it, please keep it on, I have read these four chapters so many times, it would be so sad to lose it.
Thank you, and I hope your in good health :)
7/10/2015 c4 Sherlock's Little Detective
This is Amazeballs!
6/29/2015 c4 Barbara Fruhling
OMG,...please continiue this stroy as soon as you can, I love it!
5/31/2015 c4 2nuke-squid
Please update soon
5/21/2015 c4 6Rainbow-Claw
Just hurry up with the next chapter. It's been WAY more than 1 week by now!
5/14/2015 c4 Guest
please continue! this is great!
5/4/2015 c4 3Zelia Storm Wayne
I like it. Wondering what will happen when he finds out that khan is sherlock? ;P please continue.
4/7/2015 c4 Lizeyli
Wow! Please Update! This story is something I've been looking for and you've definitely done the idea justice! I can't wait for future chapters and hope you update very soon!
3/22/2015 c4 espiderhan
Same person, forgot the Han, oops.
Also I'd want to be a pilot, nothing to crash into in space.
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