Just In
for I, Panacea

1/8/2023 c30 Armiture
Okay, my WAG for the method is they get the suitably adjusted clone of Jack Slash to convince the depressed Scion/Zion to commit suicide and then they use the dimensional hole to send Bakuda's big bomb into the pocket dimension to blow up his body.

I enjoyed the chapter, this series has been a long and fun read, thanks for sharing this with us and I hope that everyone survives, except for Jack of course. Glad that Riley is recovering nicely from what Jack did to her.
1/8/2023 c30 Mugen-Muse
Well, I look forward to seeing what they had in mind.
1/8/2023 c25 SvenTheDecoy
the chase with jack slash wa annoying. why would Michael forget to tell her to just have him sniped by prt mook? this is his second live go 'round, no way he forgets that
1/8/2023 c30 gremlin914
An epic story of it's own and a successor to Security. Very much looking forward to the finale.
1/8/2023 c30 2CMVreud
And here we have it.
Don't think that you made me forget this meta-reverse-meta-isekai-kai-isekai is not written by Lisa. Self-praise stinks like a week old beached wale in summer, Lisa.
But I am interested in her solution.
1/8/2023 c28 Difdi
It occurs to me that Riley may have drawn an incorrect, but still useful conclusion from what Amy said. Michael as a name for a higher planar being? There’s a good chance Riley will get archangel out of that, given the Catholic origins of her name.
1/7/2023 c12 SvenTheDecoy
someone better beat the shit outta brian for going off script
1/7/2023 c30 evilstatistic19
Good chapter looking forward to the next one
1/7/2023 c30 9Ryo Oh Ki7
Love love love
1/7/2023 c30 6Fenrir's Phantom
A triumphant return to this glorious story!

Can't wait to see the full details of this plan, and I can't wait to see the next chapter come out!
1/7/2023 c30 Darkepyon
Before the a/n at the end I was saying to myself this chapter is giving me a real I wanna be done with this story and move on vibes
1/7/2023 c30 Tork01
Mixing and matching the available powers to take out Scion in one shot-that is an interesting puzzle. Which is more difficult, killing Scion or having Alec not be a dick?
1/7/2023 c30 16zigmas
Please, PLEASE, let it be the NEXT immediate chapter of ALL your fics, lol!
Also, I'll just [Fusion-Ha] Dinah and Lisa, and [Lisnah] will say that you are planning on literally TALKING Goldilocks into... something.
Suicide is too banal, though, so I guess it'll be "get the yuck out of here, you idiot", lol.
Dunno how, or anything, but it should be spectacular in any case, mwahahaha!
Can't wait!
1/7/2023 c30 osterreicher97
Good chapter
1/7/2023 c30 Sebine
And Panacea still has yet to kiss a girl
sucks to be her
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