Just In
for I, Panacea

8/14/2022 c29 Tork01
Alec using a FPS to determine if Riley is somebody he can work with? Honestly, it's not a bad idea. It would make interviewing potential new employees at my job a whole lot more effective.
8/14/2022 c29 xbox432
I just want you to know that right now I'm giggling at the thought of Amy and Michael predicting Alex would ask Riley to play video games with him. He really is a simple boy at heart, isn't he? :D
8/14/2022 c29 Alverd
Security: So... Director Piggot
Security: I know today's your birthday and all, so I got you a present
Piggot: And what would that be?
Security: Exposure Therapy!
8/14/2022 c29 tiktom570
It's been awhile but this marvelous story is fortunately back
8/14/2022 c29 osterreicher97
Lol… chill?
8/14/2022 c29 LeoniLiponscovi2
Awesome fic!
8/14/2022 c29 202Marcus Rowland
The master plan involves Riley. Be afraid...
8/14/2022 c29 cameron1812
Pigs flying indeed. Wow, this went smoother than I might have expected. You have Amy do a great job of explaining things. Love the little details of how Taylor and Amy communicate via bugscute! Thank you!
8/14/2022 c29 Firelink Set
piggot is gonna have 3 heartattacks and 5 popped bloodvesses when she gets wind of this
8/14/2022 c29 yrfgd
Yeah, when pigs fly. :D:D:D
8/14/2022 c29 21katmom
What a team…!
8/14/2022 c29 deitarionSSokolow
"This fic should be wrapping up in the next 1-3 chapters."

Yay! Another rare fic that'll have lasted to completion! :)
8/14/2022 c29 16zigmas
And we hope this won't take you 1-3 years to accomplish, lol.

I liked the humor, by the way.
And can't imagine the level of WTF that's gonna be Miss Piggy when she finds out, loool.

Anyways, waiting for more, and I'm sure we all would be glad, if you focused on finishing this story as a apriority, IF it's literally "just 1-3 chapters".

Thanks again for your cool stories, hehehe. :)
4/29/2022 c28 3Gizmo Gear
Man, this is an awesome fic.
4/29/2022 c25 Gizmo Gear
A very intricate game of cat and mouse...
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