Just In
for White Roses, Red Blood

9/16/2016 c8 Taka-chan
Noooooooooooooooo!Pleeeease continue!I have a one track mind and had it set on this!If it ends my mind explodes! All of it!*Legit running around like the adhd freak i am
9/16/2016 c6 Taka-chan
Unsure who the stalker is...but the story twist with Subaru is great! everyone thought it would be Ayato.I hear so many jokes about Subaru. Because he is named like the vehicle?Oh, yeah, my friends think it is just on, they say. nasty little buggers.
9/15/2016 c1 kayleigh
Neat... and totally !
12/11/2015 c6 2VampireSiren
I really enjoy reading this! I love how Ema interacts with Subaru, Shu & Ayato!

And the birthday presents everyone got for her were so cute! XD
7/27/2015 c7 Guest1995
Ooooohhhhhh, that sucks! *pouts*. But, *shrugs* oh well, I'll be willing to wait until you get your inspiration back for this story. :)
7/28/2015 c6 1lioness571
Awww. I'm a little upset that you aren't updating soon. It was a really well written story! It was everything DL should have been. Haha. It has suspense, romance, and substance. But I understand when you lose motivation. Hopefully season 2 of DL will get you writing again. I'll be waiting!
7/7/2015 c7 5allyelle
Your story is wonderful! I love how descriptive you make your writing and you also kept me hooked even though it's rather late where I am right now (I have no concentration span and you still make me want to keep reading.)
I'm also curious to who this Cain character is? But I'm sure that will be explained in later chapters. But chapter 5! Poor Monique :( I hope Ema recovers from the some sort of amnesia she's experiencing and I wonder how it will all relate to her current position with the Sakamaki's!
Please, keep writing, you're doing a superb job~!
7/5/2015 c6 Guest1995
Yay! Good to know you're finally back on your feet with the story! Can't wait 'till the next chapter's out, c ya then! *throws a two-fingered salute*
7/5/2015 c5 darkanimeprincess2457
I just wanna tell you how much I love ur fic! ! (when I saw the name of the character I instantly thought of brothers conflict lol) you got the brothers personalities spot on in my opinion and I cant wait to read the next chapter so.. update as soon as possible! XD
6/17/2015 c5 Guest
That's very good! I'm waiting for next bits!:-)
6/13/2015 c5 Guest1995
Please update this story! I'm loving it sooooooo much, I want to read more; I just love, love, love Subaru, he's my favourite among the brothers! Keep up the great work and update soon, PLEASE!
4/23/2015 c5 Baka
4/18/2015 c2 Otaku Princess
OMG im in love with Chapter 2 Its sooooo Lovey-Dovey
Please dont stop writing fanfics there soooooo gooood!
3/15/2015 c1 4Picandy
Can I just say how perfectly you captured each of the character's personalities? I love this story already!
1/24/2015 c3 Guest
Noooo! Why leave a cliffhanger!
You got us good xD
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