Just In
for On the Wings of an Angel

8/14 c58 Jamerz06
Can’t wait to see the next chapter
1/3 c1 Guest
Plecase continue this fic!
12/16/2023 c2 Cynthia L. Reill
I'm really enjoying this story so far, and I look forward to completing it, thank you so much for you creating this fic. I never thought of a story like this before, so again than you.
11/12/2023 c58 Katelynn Wendell
Finish the storyyyyyyy
10/15/2023 c58 4Kamorie
Ive spent the last few days reading your stories and I really appreciate your writing. I especially appreciate any story that has to do with Supernatural! My concern, and I hope you read this, is the fact that it isn't finished :( . It's been three years since this was updated and I wish that you'd come back to finish it. Harry as Gabriel is very interesting and I want to know how you spin the tale.
10/12/2023 c1 Super Squashman
Where is the rest?
I was hoping it would never end
7/8/2023 c58 Kristina Johnson
Please update
7/2/2023 c58 BRICKDUST
Fantastic story so far. I do you finish it sometime x
6/7/2023 c58 Jamerz06
Can’t wait to see the next chapter
3/19/2023 c18 tskids
This story is basically like cannon with a few cosmetic changes.
3/18/2023 c58 NyxShader
hello! I remembered when last you updated, yet it has been so long... please return to us and update once more (well actually please update a lot more not just once)
3/2/2023 c58 Guest
Disapointing. Another fic added to the dropped pile and one more fanfic writer worth less than shit.
2/24/2023 c58 Hariana Halone
This story is so perfect, I am really sad that the sequel has not yet been published
12/28/2022 c58 crazyjim87
It has been two years since the last chapter ,yet I find myself reading it again and again. I love Gabriel and the story is fantastic.
Any chance for a new update?
12/7/2022 c58 Maverick
great story, please update!
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