Just In
for Loving You

7/12/2016 c2 GhettoZorceress
I almost had a panic attack with mixed fillings when he said "...Please marry me."
3/26/2015 c2 Chi-Chi-Chai
Uwaa! I love this story it's so cute! Excited for the next chapter ;)
3/16/2015 c2 1Ern Estine 13624
interesting can't wait for more
3/6/2015 c2 1OtakuShipping
Tyki will never learn to stop being a pervert near Allen will he?
1/26/2015 c1 naokotaco
Oooh I liked the beginning of the story and the synopsis looks really interesting...You should definitely continue. I can't wait for more!
1/26/2015 c1 NarupokeeAurorafan
I enjoyed this :D ! So please update soon bye

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