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for Are You Okay?

8/25/2015 c1 Guest
Another chapter would be amazing!
4/27/2015 c1 Danielle
Love this story! Would love for you to write more chapters to see the girls' and the Hastings' reaction when she tells them what happened.
2/10/2015 c1 2Emilyjayden101
Would love for you to continue this story! :)
1/28/2015 c1 Guest
Definitely worthy of multiple chapters. Well done. I hope you decide to add more.
1/28/2015 c1 Guest
great story
1/28/2015 c1 2lovingspobytreegan
That was freaking amazing I needed to read that especially after last night episode thank you for putting this up I need a good Spoby feel :)
1/28/2015 c1 13GoddessArtemis1999
Please please please be multichapter I reallyyy like this.
1/28/2015 c1 4madlylove
So cute. If only this happened instead of what happened last night...
1/28/2015 c1 13sarahschneider2012
Wow, please write more.
1/28/2015 c1 Guest
Multi chap please
1/28/2015 c1 Guest
Please make a multi chapter. So so so so good

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