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7/8/2024 c27 Ehlonna the Demoness
I shall await your rewrite with much glee! Even with the spelling errors and Gary-Sue tendencies, I have greatly enjoyed your work.
2/11/2021 c5 Professor Chaos
I have to stop reading this story. Your overuse and misuse of Japanese prefix/suffix is becoming to annoying to stumble through. Clean that up and you'll have a decent story.
10/11/2019 c3 kavoss
isn't konohamaru 5 years younger than naruto
9/30/2019 c27 3Dreaw Mac
Tidy it up and this could be a sg1 crossover
8/31/2019 c4 kavoss
dafuq is konohamaru doing here? he's like five years younger than naruto
12/7/2018 c21 2HeavyarmsBuster-01
,,hjg gkhk,h j,,u. g,,e,
12/7/2018 c21 HeavyarmsBuster-01
,,hjg gkhk,h j,,u. g,,e,
11/2/2018 c27 7Kaito Echizen

Kaito is hungry wants to eat
11/2/2018 c26 Kaito Echizen

Kaito is hungry wants to eat
11/2/2018 c25 Kaito Echizen

Kaito is hungry wants to eat
10/25/2018 c27 blackhole224
Ignore the assholes who flame your stories, they just want to feel better about them selves the only way they know how by being dicks, who put down others cause they don't have the courage to write or put up their on storys
10/18/2018 c1 1Currahee506
ignorr the flamers
9/24/2018 c27 Guest
But your other story is garbage
I like the naruhina asshole
9/24/2018 c27 fuckyou asshole
lets be honest you've got no intentions of ever bothering with finishing this story you've completely abandoned all of your stories and are just using the flames as an excuse rather than being honest that you're just to fucking lazy to continue writing. I'm guaranteeing there will NEVER be a rewrite of this story so just make another an and give the cold hard TRUTH YOU ASSHOLE. Please don't ever write anything again you'll never make it as a pro if you can't be honest and if you allow people who don't like your writing style to influence you enough to completely quit writing a fanfiction. What will you do when you try to publish a story an people hate the story kill yourself or something stupid like that? Anyways please never fucking bother with writing again you cock sucking piece of shit
9/24/2018 c27 2pfcvillanueva
Ahhh what?! Really?!
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