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12/19/2024 c19 sue1zide
Where is James?
12/19/2024 c17 sue1zide
What does”swanny” mean?
12/17/2024 c3 sue1zide
I admit that this is stirring up a lot of terrible memories for me.
I will read this, like I read any story about abuse, because it’s like therapy for me. I marvel at the strength it took for the person to leave. Something I was never able to do. 32 years.
I’m okay now. He died of brain cancer.
7/4/2024 c27 15winterhorses
How have I not read this before? I love it so much!
7/4/2024 c16 winterhorses
Lol, I had to look up what you meant by “snood” because I only snood I know is the dangly thing on a turkey’s head.
4/23/2024 c12 pixiekat7
That was EPIC (and hilarious)! You, clever, clever, writer, you!
Thank you
4/22/2024 c8 pixiekat7
I absolutely ADORE Miss Vick... she's brilliant!
4/22/2024 c5 pixiekat7
Good gawd, Jayne, these first chapters were heart-pounding! I do believe you've created the creepiest James ever too.
Diving back in... thank you so much.
p.s. I rather fond of bronze as well. ;-);-)
1/4/2024 c27 kneon
amazing story. loved all the characters. thank you for sharing.
12/10/2023 c27 Marymary123
I love this story.. brings smiles by the bunches. THANK YOU I have read it several times..
11/18/2023 c1 BellaMendes
this was lovely and chilling and heartwarming. thank you for sharing
8/26/2023 c27 originalbella
I loved it!
8/26/2023 c26 originalbella
Lovely chapter
8/26/2023 c21 originalbella
Oh the windex blue eyes... Here comes the drama!
8/20/2023 c7 originalbella
Love it. A daddy!
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