Just In
for How could I forget?

4/12/2015 c19 Nanzi
4/9/2015 c19 stardreamer26086
Loved the chapter please continue . Sad but good.
4/9/2015 c19 4hauntedpumpkin56
i loved it. great work. update soon.
4/5/2015 c19 Ims86
poor rose! she lost her child! and it was a girl! :(
4/5/2015 c19 4Rakhila87
Wow way to make me cry! Great chapter though I really like it when dimitri is vulnerable.
4/5/2015 c19 1hpmalfoypotter
i actually loved both of these chapters soooooooooooooooo much! Even the sad parts were amazing and PLEASE PLEASE UPDATE SOON!
4/5/2015 c19 BethIsMyName
How sweet! The Rose garden thing, not te death.

My highlight of this chapter was when Dimitri smirked upon mentioning Tasha's death. I find that so cruel it's funny
4/5/2015 c19 7Fiera-Rain-Hathaway
It's so sad that Rose lost her baby. I was happy to see Dimitri confessing; it seems as of they've resolved the issues between them. Nice chapter :)
4/5/2015 c19 1Jadey1610
Loved it ;)
4/4/2015 c18 stardreamer26086
Missed the story loved the chapter please continue.
4/3/2015 c18 Ims86
Yeiiiiii shes pregnant! Love the chapter
4/3/2015 c18 4Rakhila87
Omg! Yay! Prego rose is so much fun! But not so good she's probably remembering her lost baby :( I can't wait for more!
4/3/2015 c18 BethIsMyName

The only thing Ivan think of is when Lissa was attacked by the other Moroi before ROMITRIS time in the cabin XD
4/3/2015 c18
She is pregnant. Yay! I wonder what happened to cause the coma to begin with. Will she be remembering that soon?
4/3/2015 c18 3Romitri99
Awesome chapter!
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