Just In
for How could I forget?

3/11/2015 c14 6Asherah Isa
I think she should freak out in her mind but show a calm exterior.
3/11/2015 c14
WOW! This is an incredibly powerful chapter. I am so happy you were able to update this story and I hope you can update it again soon.
3/8/2015 c13 BethIsMyName
Awe! I love that so much! Everyone knows Romitri are on the same wavelength but that's just precious!
3/4/2015 c13 Laura
Estoy deseando leer el siguiente.
Como se lo tomarĂ¡ Rose?
3/3/2015 c13 1hpmalfoypotter
omg omg omg omg omg omg! This chapter was soooooooo intense i actually don't know if i can wait for the next chapter where he tells her everything and they train and the family comes for a visit! I LOVED THIS CHAPTER! please update soon!
3/3/2015 c13 1Jadey1610
I'm more than happy to try and help with your story if you want :) just be Pm me :)
And Ivan and Anna are so cute, but also terrifying! Weird magic children :') loving it though, very original :) can't wait for an update!
3/2/2015 c13 stardreamer26086
Good chapter missed your presence.
3/2/2015 c13 1Sam1405
I'm sorry to hear that you're lacking ideas, but I can't wait to hear Dimitri's version of their relationship. I really likes the chapter but the twins' powers confuse me. What exactly are they?
3/2/2015 c13 4Rakhila87
Love it :)
2/27/2015 c1 bboops22
wow brill first chap
2/23/2015 c12 maxtheco
Love love it. Please keep updating
2/19/2015 c12 BethIsMyName
Awe! They all slept in the same bed XD

2/17/2015 c12 3Romitri99
Awesome chapter!
2/16/2015 c12
I am surprised Rose ran from the fight regardless if was missing training, that didn't stop her before in Portland. I am glad Dimitri is fine.
2/16/2015 c11
I have a feeling it is Tasha somehow escaping prison.
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