Just In
for How could I forget?

2/16/2015 c10
So now we learn what happened to cause the coma but the question now is why were Dimitri and Christian going to be gone for 3 months?
2/16/2015 c9
2/16/2015 c8
Well, I am glad she finally remembers her love for Dimitri.
2/16/2015 c6
That was a very powerful scene
2/16/2015 c5
This story is so touching. I can't wait to see what happens when she meets the kids or when she meets the rest of her friends like Adrian, Sydney, Jill and Eddie.
2/16/2015 c4
Memory flashbacks are going to drive her insane, I think.
I love the chapter.
2/16/2015 c3
Poor Dimitri. He must be so heartbroken to know that Rose doesn't feel love for him that she used to feel. She just remembers it as a vague impression of something that they shared.
2/16/2015 c2
Poor Dimitri. Rose is so mean by torturing him by pretending Lissa hasn't filled her in yet to their relationship but I love her playfulness nonetheless.
2/16/2015 c12 Violet
Hey, careful with the spoilers. Most people haven't read The Ruby Circle yet, don't give things like that away. The familial relationship between Adrian and Dimitri is a minor thing, yeah, but it's shocking and you might have screwed that up for people who can't get the book yet.
2/16/2015 c1
Interesting. Looking forward to continuing the journey.
2/16/2015 c12 1hpmalfoypotter
omg yayayayayay i loved this chapter! Please update soon!
2/16/2015 c12 Dimka's chick
I'm glad that rose and dimitri are ok. But I'm having issues with the fact that adrian is engaged with his cousin(Viktoria)...I'm assuming they Knew they were cousins before they got engaged. Other wise the chapter is good.
2/16/2015 c12 4Rakhila87
Good chapter! I like that you made the stragoi Dimitri's dad. ... I think you should have it go well for a bit let it calm down but only after Dimitri freaks out in private to rose and they make up ;) then have his dad start to taunt them maybe letters with things that he will do and maybe sick and twisted gifts like dead roses and candy with bugs or something like that and then from there an attack.?
2/16/2015 c12 1Jadey1610
Here is a list of my thoughts and spoken words while reading that first DPOV section:
Run! Run Dimitri run! You have to save Rose!
Randal Ivashkov? His father?
*mouth hits the ground
Oh my fucking god!

The rest of it was great too.
This was amazing, I love that you've brought his father into it, so original! Can't wait for more
2/14/2015 c11 1Goodbye.Until.Tomorrow
At first I thought it was Mason, until I re-read the part about the cold, emotionless voice. I don't think ghosts can become Strigoi, though.. (Idk, maybe they can). And Mason's gone anyways.

I really don't know. Maybe one of the servants from Galena's household who were eventually turned Strigoi? Or one of the actual Strigoi from her house who didn't die? (I don't remember who's alive/dead right now, Sorry!)

Beautiful writing! Please update soon!
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