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for White

8/17/2024 c27 natalia
I love this story I would like it to be updated more my first language is not English but I would like to imply that I loved the story and I'm still waiting
8/9/2024 c27 Theonethatsee
We need more
8/3/2024 c27 Paul Reverend
how this geta updated again.
7/13/2024 c27 mbaustin1105
update pls
6/24/2024 c27 46Ashera fanfics
Nice end, abandoned or not. At least we have a complete battle rather than ending abruptly mid battle.

Weird having Gin use his real bankai before trying to sneak on Aizen, but w/e.

The Sternritters were beaten the moment they decided to invade HM with a bunch of fodder while being weak to hollow blood on top of inferior on the power scale.

I've got my own idea about how to sweep Gerard Walkyrie, crack way. Just take something that has 0% chance of killing him forever and he's gonna die without resurrecting 100%.
6/23/2024 c23 Ashera fanfics
Interesting fight, but seems excessively opposing in the views they have. Why is Ichigo so inconsistent? One day he behaves like a good guy with not so good methods, the next he appears like a tyrant. I mean in this chapter he looks like a complete asshole competing and winning against Aizen and Yamamoto for the asshole cup.

Apart from the lore that comes with her, the OC doesn't bring anything interesting. She has no place in this overcrowded story (making even more characters while Bleach already has a crapton of unused wasted ones already? Risky), brings little more to the story (someone like Nel has already played a foil to Ichigo and could have been the one to oppose him here for moral reasons rather than for Arrancar status consideration back then, which made Ichigo way too overreacting to something like that).

He's got enough moral and PoV conflicts and foils as it is, he doesn't need more. Sui Feng is a bit too passive for her entire redemption arc, I'd rather have her deal with her problems internally with her hollow and zanpakuto and then be exposed to the Las Noches Arrancar behaving like humans and shaking her views than her just meeting expo dump characters with super powerful forms (the #1 Espada seems like she should have been #0 considering the trouble she gave Ichigo until he went into his 2nda etapa, his previous hollow king incarnation can't have been more powerful than her without being part Quincy and having a captain father's reiatsu guaranteed from birth).

This OC is bringing way too many things into an already crowded arc, the Hell gate would be interesting in its'own arc but not when we're waiting for the 3 way war with the other 2 factions.

Sui Feng was treated the same as the Visored back in TBTP despite them having been reinstated. WTH were they doing? Kensei intervened shortly, but really they were pretty useless and she ended up being rejected by everyone too easily. I guess she wasn't very popular so the Gotei 13 didn't mind ending her existence at the 1st opportunity? She's not the most likeable character after all.
6/23/2024 c19 Ashera fanfics
I like the fact that the Sternritters have a back story, the canon ones barely qualify as characters, a far cry from the Soul Society arc where all important characters had a back story and personal motivations that made them likeable despite being antagonists.

Plotting against the tyrant, nice Giselle and Bazz B, although it could very well turn against them just like canon Bazz B who got cut down for that very reason.
6/22/2024 c16 Ashera fanfics
Grimmjow really being his true self here, not OOC like some people seem to make him. He's brutal and deadly, goes for the heart, throat or head and is like a cat on a cocktail of exciting drugs, jumping you and putting constant pressure right in your face all the time, not leaving any breathing room.

Ichigo seems to be tending towards the darker spectrum of military leaders, seems like he's the next Yamamoto, recruiting a bunch of glorified killing machines to build his own invincible army and keep his dimension safe from intruders.

This is like reading about war in the Antique period but with Bleach characters. As Shunsui said, in a war, there is no right side. They use eveeything at their disposal to win, no matter how dirty.
6/11/2024 c27 4FleetMaster
Well at least it didnt end on a total cliff hanger but olease come back to this
6/10/2024 c18 FleetMaster
Man now i actually hate that i started reading this. Its awesome but abandoned. Fuck
6/10/2024 c13 FleetMaster
I feel like he should only let his close friends call him Ichigo, having everybody do it kinda loses the pazazz
6/6/2024 c27 Guest
Me encanta
5/26/2024 c2 ErwinvonBeckendorf
Nice chap
5/22/2024 c27 hserwah799
I would even pay monies to have this fanfic continue.
5/22/2024 c27 hserwah799
I hope this fanfic continue. This is the best fanfiction story I’ve ever read. I re-read this story a couple of times already, And I’m still not tired of this beautiful story.
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