Just In
for White

5/22/2024 c27 hserwah799
I hope this fanfic continue. This is the best fanfiction story I’ve ever read. I re-read this story a couple of times already, And I’m still not tired of this beautiful story.
5/20/2024 c1 DeMarco Coleman-Dansby
Can i adopt this story if you have moved on?
4/30/2024 c11 mysty
Something Isshin needs to understand is that Ichigo is still Ichigo, even as a hollow. He doesn't have any bonds with the shinigami, and he sees them as a threat to the beings he rules over and considers them important to him. It's only natural he'll attack the people trying to harm them. He does still love his family, and seems pretty ticked off by the fact that they're shinigami. I'm positive he'll rescue Yuzu once the quincy invade Hueco Mundo.
4/29/2024 c27 KevinDuocepaladar
Me dió mucha nostalgia el volver a leer esta historia exelente ,destacó por encima de todo la gran capacidad del autor para describir peleas me leído esta historia al menos 4 veces, actualmente es 29 de abril del 2024 ya más de 4 años desde que actualizo aún así espero con ansias el día que decida actualizar la historia después de todo lo último que se pierde es la fé.

It made me very nostalgic to read this story again. An excellent story, above all the author's great ability to describe fights stood out. I read this story at least 4 times, it is currently April 29, 2024 and more than 4 years since I update it, but I look forward to the day I decide to update the story after everything, the last thing that is lost is faith.
4/16/2024 c8 1Hanako-spirit
This is cinemaSome random hobo I found off the street
4/6/2024 c27 Raedarius
Pretty much briliant. I completely read it from start to here and i found it worth it completely worth it.
The questioning of right and wrong, of estabilished facts, finally addressing many things(shinigeneral is bad). Very few things here made me rise my brow in confusion.
Detail and spoilera follow...

The only real dilemma i have until now is zombie girl, right after forgiving a shinigany which was consistenlty shown to incite the most hate in Mr King he goes to execution for possibly nothing.
He did not have a 100% understanding of her power, she did in fact help by killing his enemy war assets and if she wanted to turn his sister into a zombie she had a chance. All in all i feel its way out of character for Mr forgiveness to jump the gun so fast. I mean at the end she would propably be dead becouse hollow turn to reshi after death so she propably killed the zombie arrancars ergo i think that was a lie at least and she was the one who was by the opinion of others suffering from mental disorders so by the logic of Ichi is the greatest person to exist he should be helping her.

The other stuff i guess im a little confused why is this skipping ALL the fillers? Some are interrresting and not the least bit more weirder then the whole sterntmritter thing (here have a PISS of my soul make a power out of it and then ima take it for myself becouse almighty is not actually Allmighty and im a bitch and no tearing my actual soul imto little pieces and seperating then is not affecting me in any way negatively apart from making me an idiot asshole)

The last thing would be... please make some females interrrested in some other people PLEASE seriously holows llooooove power and both barabara and sleepy wolfie have loots so why every single boobed person goes after itchyknees that makes it look like all the women only care about power and nothing NOTHING else, when every person have different wants and needs come on and you wrote it as soifon wants itchynose now too... thats too much

I guess that makes me question if any hollow would even have the notion of romance in their head anyway

Hmm that makes me question even the physics of soul world and hollow world. I mean they are both a soul right? Not a physical body? To the point that light from the sun does not interact with them as in thats why people dont see them. And they interact with the real world through their soul pressure(thats the term right). Sooo why do they even bleed? Why have organd at all when they are just a mass of soulpower? Ha imagine an undead from darksouls bump into a shinigami and the shinigami gets sucked in the darsouls wallet(soul of a warrior obtained)
Suppose the body and organs is just what the soul subconsiously keeps itself in the shape of? Like the mind /soul shapes the reality of the body?

I hate that whem you start to think more deeply about abeloved story you start to find sooo much nonesense
3/12/2024 c1 Rusbell 123
this is really good, hope you continue the storyyy
3/3/2024 c27 mysty
It has been four years. Please.
2/23/2024 c1 JerichoJumper
I was In highschool the last time I read this fanfic and rereading it now several years later, this is by far one of yhe most seamless and thought provoking fanfics I've ever seen done for a bleach story. From Ichigos lineage, to Aizens schemes, to even including partial time to his siblings and them venturing on their own paths and fulfilling their bloodlines this story is nothing short of a masterpiece. Not sure what's going on or why you haven't updated but I hope you're safe and if you ever come back to this fanfic I'm certain that many others like myself are eagerly awaiting whatever you may have next for this story.
2/22/2024 c4 Predatorpug
Amazing story
2/10/2024 c27 Guest
Please continue with this wonderful story, I have been waiting for your return for years, I have cancer and if I continue living I would like to at least continue seeing this work of art
1/23/2024 c1 BruceLeeNagato
This is probably the single best Bleach fanfiction out there.
It is a shame that it is abandoned, but I still revisit atleast once a year to re-read this.
1/16/2024 c27 ItzJoe
please come back and update this!
1/6/2024 c27 owlexr
listen. this story is amazing, it's one of my favourites. I love the world-building, and while it had a rocky start with the progression, it really made an identity for itself. The OC stuff was a bit unusual with zangetsu and that, but unlike a lot of people, I didn't mind it. the way I have seen the harem sort of start to develop makes them all seem to be actually unique people with their own desires. ichigo has been good with his slow change, however, I do think his change to considering shinigami as okay was a bit too quick. the way that it shows how the hollows aren't actually good, and its more grey than anything is also good, and done slowly with us coming to doubt some of ichigos actions with him. All in all this story is great, however, it's been almost 4 years without an update and I have lost hope that it will happen. I would love to be proven wrong, but I doubt it. the most I want to ask is if you are still okay, alive, and well. best wishes, owlexr.
1/5/2024 c27 Guest
When will it update
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