Just In
for White

2/5/2015 c4 Livelikeme123
I hope ulquiorra finds ichi soon
2/5/2015 c4 1SwarmingShadow
I always enjoy a work of written art. Keep up the good work, it's a great story so far. I can't wait for the next chapter!
2/5/2015 c4 6Dosudro
Flowing along nicely. This is easily one of the better hollow route stories that I've seen. I really like the interaction going on here.

Thank you for your story!

2/4/2015 c3 Lttaco
This is awesome! I love how you made ichigo a hollow but with progression in stead of instant vasto lorde. I can't wait to see more chapters!
2/4/2015 c3 fanfictionsfan
This is a good story I enjoyed reading it a lot. Keep up the good work!
2/4/2015 c3 Cf96
Excellent work
2/4/2015 c3 MZ
Great story. So ichigo becomes white. First time I've seen that concept. Looking forward to reading more.
2/4/2015 c3 28The Dark Dragen
Oh this is an interesting story, and I for one can't wait to see more, and so I hope you'll update soon.
2/4/2015 c3 wasu544
well i cant wait for the next one
2/4/2015 c3 Bobthebobberof69
Wow. Can't wait for the next chapter. So will there be lemons?
2/4/2015 c3 24Glaux Bryonia
Bit shaky start (Don't know how to describe it, but Ichigo getting dragged off by the Hollow somehow didn't have much impact on me; not sure why), but a lot more stable later on. I like the short encounters with the future Espada. Maybe you could add Starrk and Lilynette to the group? Those two would know how to appreciate companions, and with Ichigo's and Ulquiora's power levels they should be able to withstand the Starrk and Lilynette's reiatsu. Just a thought.
So far, very likable, I'll be waiting for more.
2/4/2015 c3 Scarease
Great story so keep it up.
2/4/2015 c3 2The Determinator
Please, can we have some more?
2/4/2015 c3 1AliceMajor
This was fantastic! I loved the way he interacts with the characters. Please update this soon, I would love to read the battle between Barragan and him.
2/4/2015 c3 Blackseal84
This is good can't wait for more _
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