Just In
for The Invitation

12/22/2019 c1 gabumon7
The wall collapsing fight scene would be a great side story To this as a fuller backstory!
5/25/2018 c1 36JHLZ.NTL
Cute! Baatar seems like such a genuinely nice and kind guy. He is soooo level-headed and smooth tempered. Almost as much as the husband of that Fire Nation councilwoman who always just says "yes dear," I imagine Baatar just heeding (almost) all of his wife's wishes.
6/22/2016 c1 G
I found it!
I read this fanfic a little while back and then stumbling back into the LOK fandom, I found this!
I love it!
Keep it up!
2/14/2016 c1 metalbendingmistress
Haha, that was cute. I really loved it, good job! :)
2/9/2015 c1 9zoopdedo
This was great. I'm clapping for u right now:D
2/8/2015 c1 33avatarfanlin
the legend of throwing your family members under the bus :D though i was hoping for kyalin...
2/8/2015 c1 6ATLAlover3
Nice! At first I thought Lin was being too mean to her sister, and when I read she was in the hospital I felt sorry for her and Su, gotta say I laughed pretty hard with the Baatar situation at the end! It was hilarious!
Cute story I loved reading it,

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