Just In
for Five Night's at Freddi's

3/27/2021 c66 Guest
Love this story and can't wait for you to continue
3/14/2021 c66 Guest
Plz come back
3/11/2021 c66 Darkwolfprince23
This is one of my favorite fanfics and I really want to read more of it
3/10/2021 c66 2KuramKitsunea
Ah damn, I caught up. I hope your still updating this story, it’s way to good to leave it be.
2/11/2021 c66 Guest
Eh don’t worry he lives. He just up dated a few of he other stories not too long ago
2/9/2021 c66 Guest
I've read this story multiple times, and I still thoroughly enjoy it. Please write more of this story, because, like me, there are many out there who would want to see what happens next.
1/23/2021 c66 Thelastgryphon
I'm sorry you must get this a lot but this is one of my favourate storys on ff an you just stoped posting so could you post a chapter to let us know you are still alive. it just has to be you saying that your still alive.
1/15/2021 c66 Guest
This chapter was amazing it's been forever since I've been able to read another chapter of this amazingly made fan fiction, I hope more are made in the future!
1/5/2021 c66 1dragondonavin
Damn this is good I cannot wait for you to do more
12/15/2020 c4 Eon
Chapter 4 "Nice *TO* meet you" dunno if u actually read dis hope u do
12/12/2020 c66 1ParticularlyLargeRat
I shouldn’t have gotten so invested in this story than I have. I honestly just came to fanfics after watching all the fnaf VHS tapes, and stumbled upon this piece of gold.
12/8/2020 c21 AlimeLover123
isn't purple guy's name william afton, instead of vincent anton
12/3/2020 c66 Artorias
Thanks. It's very good story. Hope for more chapters soon.
11/30/2020 c66 A Fan
If you still active with this story, please update it. I thoroughly enjoy it.
11/18/2020 c66 SilverRoz
pls update
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