Just In
for Five Night's at Freddi's

7/9/2020 c17 LimitlessOtaku
So Much cringed
7/9/2020 c15 LimitlessOtaku
6/17/2020 c66 wattpad anthony
nice story and I think it was funny when goldy's plan was set in motion
6/18/2020 c8 Spiderkingvvi
whenever I image Bob I think of Dany Davito
6/15/2020 c66 Kren5447
When will this be updated again?
6/11/2020 c66 Guest
I’m not sure how the saying went but “Give me three hours to cut down a tree and I’ll spend the first two sharpening the axe.” What I mean is as long as you don’t give up the story take as long as you need.
6/1/2020 c66 BlackCatTheGreat
This is great, I've been dreading the end all night but I couldn't stop reading. Just keeps getting better and better, and you're fairly good with the more intimate parts of the story, I've read a lot of FNAF fanfics and stories, few have skill and length yours has. (Being worked on fairly consistently for 5 years does that) I absolutely can not wait for more chapters. If the other stories, and damn near a novel this one is, you have written are even half as good as this one, and I have no doubt that criteria will be over achiever, I'm gonna start reading them right after I finish Writing this review. Good luck with the future chapters of this and many other stories you have/will create(d), and that they may long and engrossing. And good fortunes to you.
6/1/2020 c66 2Jackocaper
Yo man, or woman, idk, don't care, i wanna say this fuckin fanfic was absolutely fuckin amazing. I loved your writing, and your oc, Tony. Everything was so enjoyable. Im really new to fnaf fanfics, but now because of this, im quite interested to say the least. Keep up the great work bro, just of course, take your time. I'm sorry if you got a little "plz update" vibe from that, didn't mean to. Lol. Anyways, take care, your amazing, really.
5/26/2020 c1 Guest
*scowls*i will save this to read alot later..people can do what they want with fanfic,but i do hate it when they just turn all the bots female.
5/22/2020 c64 derrick
5/22/2020 c66 PreacherCee99
I read the entire song to the tune of the Macarena XD
5/11/2020 c66 TrashoftheHighestOrder
Gotta I like it. Not just this chapter but most of the story itself. Happy to read more when you are ready
5/9/2020 c27 Jpegjpeg
Come for the smut stay for the story
5/2/2020 c20 TheRocketeurE
Man this is a great story, quite the rare gem. However, I feel that Tony shouldn't be so trusting and amiable, especially after his childhood injuries and reliving his uncle's murders. It would really help to flesh him out more, and give him a more realistic side. Make certain things or thoughts, rise a twitch or sadness out of him, he could be mortally scared of the empty suits.
Apart from that, I'm loving the work. Amazing job!
5/1/2020 c66 NarcolepticTemplar
I Binge-read the whole story. worth It.
Totally deserved the place as the most liked fnaf fanfic!
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