Just In
for Five Night's at Freddi's

3/5/2015 c17 Mase the ace
Hey just wanted to say that this story is going very well. nice plot, great characters, but i worry you may run out of ideas after this arc. maybe you should slow down and capitalize on the girls and their relationship with tony. Other than that, keep up the good work.
3/5/2015 c17 Guest
Good I do say sir you are cool ;)
3/5/2015 c17 anonymous
Awesome job! Keep going. Its because of your stories that I haven't gone insane.
3/5/2015 c17 Guest
Me gusta the fighting scene :)
3/5/2015 c17 Guest
It was pretty good and the fight had a home alone feeling to it
3/6/2015 c17 warman900
I hope there's some kind of twist to the story, like when he reveals his face after they all become great friends and he ends up being in their database.
3/6/2015 c1
you should add a new character

Name: Cris
Height: few inches taller than Tony
age: same as Tony
Personality: a little nicer than Tony. (non perverted)
Story: thinks that since the indecent with Tim the night shift is a two man job. (flashback) tonys friend cris had called him earlier asking for job advice. so tony asks mr fazbear if cris can have it.
3/4/2015 c16 The Book of Eli
It was only rushed around the last few sentences overall a good update hope to see another soon.
3/6/2015 c17 1Blobking
what happen next?
3/5/2015 c17 KyleShepard313
well done chapter, i'm always glad to see more FNAF fanfiction, especially of this kind. and truth be told, that smug asshole of a jock had it comin' to him. and with his kneecap popped loose, i hope he's never able to play any kind of rugby again. ('football' in the US. i'm a brit, so we have a different meaning for the word football than the yanks.)
3/5/2015 c17 MarikElricXIII
Good fight, hope that's the last we'll see of that a-hole Tim.
3/5/2015 c17 JDoggy5
The fifth was awesome! I didn't really knew that Tony had the guts (And brains) to beat the living S### outta Tim's ass! Great chapter bro! I'm looking forward for more!
3/5/2015 c17 2Xerzo LotCN
pretty good i do like the story ... keep it up
3/5/2015 c17 5Kamen Rider Zodiac
Fight wasn't bad, a bit realistic actually since they both suffered understandable wounds.
Kinda laughed at the 'trauma to the testicles' part though! Otherwise, great chapter.
3/5/2015 c16 Gokaimaster100
never fuck with the Animatronics
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