Just In
for Five Night's at Freddi's

2/19/2015 c10 2te.nellis
Lol that was an awkward and hilarious chapter! Keep it up!
2/17/2015 c9 HoboJoe
To be honest, I love the story so far. I really hope you continue with it and its progress and make it as good as you have been, I mean, I prefer romance to be honest once more, but this is serious good so far! I can't wait for the next chapter
2/17/2015 c9 The Book of Eli
Freddi suspicious, Mr. Fazbear is happy, and Tony has a ghost rattling around in his head. I wonder what will happen next!
2/19/2015 c10 Mr Beaver Buttington
I'm glad that you haven't gone straight into smut and are giving lots of fluff scenes along with just the right amount of filler, it's refreshing...I'm using that word quite a bit.
2/19/2015 c10 5Kamen Rider Zodiac
Well, looks like this nights gonna bring some things forward! Also, I'm just guessing, but the jackass Tim is gonna return and eventually get his #*$ kicked in? Maybe...also, Goldie's really starting to make me curious, does she have a real body at all or is she just a 'phantom'?

Either way, great job!
2/16/2015 c8 The Book of Eli
Life is strange like that can't wait for Gold Freddy to have a talk with Tony… it'll be good!
2/18/2015 c9 PyroSolracIII
Very interesting story. Liking it so far. Don't like the Chica's detachable beaks though, but that is just a nitpick.
2/17/2015 c9 44PizzaCatDavid
***Both thumbs up!***
2/17/2015 c9 StampedPuma35
Holy crap keep up the story you're doing well I thought you were going to reck it by killing your OC. I think you should Freddi see your scars see how she reacts and for your OC not to be the criminal and also don't make golden freddi kill or hurt anyone otherwise I'll stop reading this so yeah. Keep up the good work. One last thing make sure your OC doesn't grope anyone or touch any animatronics in wrong places. Make sure the animatronics like him but not too much. And that's all my support there your welcome
2/17/2015 c9 2dragonspinner35
may i just say that was great and if your looking for OCs for future fics in which case gladly lend you mind
2/17/2015 c9 5Kamen Rider Zodiac
Holy...What the hell Goldie?!
I'll admit, was not expecting that type of twist, but to think he could survive...whatever the hell she did, he MUST be special!
Though now I'm curious, why did she do that? And when did she manage to do it?

All in all, the suspense is on!
2/17/2015 c9 2te.nellis
Ah ha! Tony is so introverted that the golden bear had no idea what to do so it made him sleep and looked at him dreamily like the girls. That or it assessed him as not a threat and let him be. Lol! Keep it up!
2/17/2015 c9 elatedrune
Night 2 was awesome.
2/17/2015 c9 xWMx Alphonze
Love the new chapters can't wait to see if there's another message on Tonys answering machine keep up the amazing work k 3
2/17/2015 c9 Mr Beaver Buttington
I like the idea that Goldie has the ability to psychically influence people till irreparable damage is done to their mind, the description that it's like being in REM with your eyes open is awesome!

I am very happy that I found this fic.
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