Just In
for Five Night's at Freddi's

2/15/2015 c7 flickerthefox
Your story is one of the best I've read so far (then agin' I do like most fanfics) anyway, keep doing what your doing and I'll see you tonight
2/17/2015 c8 Mr Beaver Buttington
This is a well written twist on the "change at night" aspect and I'm exited to see what the future chapters bring.
2/15/2015 c7 The Book of Eli
I won't be surprised when the girls see Tony's face cause have you seen two face imagine a persons whole face like that but instead of burns he has a lot of scars and deep cuts.
2/14/2015 c6 Guest
Just realized I don't need an account to review.
Great fic, best FNAF one I've seen so far. Not only is the story well thought-out, but your writing style and lack of spelling grammar errors are impeccable.

Happy Valentine's day, keep up the good work!
2/16/2015 c8 44PizzaCatDavid
Incredible. Can't wait for the next chapter!
2/16/2015 c8 9UnitedOsprey1991
Must say love the female characters are you going to turn them real?
2/16/2015 c8 2te.nellis
Lol. The bear can call Tony!? Well this is when Tony realizes he needs the anamatronix girls to like him to ward off the bear. Keep it up!
2/14/2015 c6 The Book of Eli
Still having fun wonder who will put Tony in a serious talk chokehold…
2/14/2015 c6 Guest
This is good ;)
2/13/2015 c5 The Book of Eli
Things are going Ok but I wonder if Gold will make an appearance to control Tony's or something...
2/15/2015 c7 Dragon of Yin and Yang
Please continue!
2/15/2015 c7 2dragonspinner35
i'm thinking on quiting that job to me foxy looks like a saint compare freddy in a way sending warning bar to hights
2/15/2015 c7 2te.nellis
And so the plot thickens! Keep it up!
2/14/2015 c6 Akemicchi
Foxyyyyyyyyyyy Yay:P
2/12/2015 c4 The Book of Eli
I got a suggestion have a friend of Tony look for him and explain to the girls the whole story of Tony's bandages… make it sad and heart warming...
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