9/8/2023 c1 Seimika
Is this story finished/dead?
Is this story finished/dead?
8/3/2023 c67 FrogFighter
I've been following this story for a loooooong time and I've re-read it on multiple occasions, I just want to let you, the author, know that this is a spectacular read and I honestly can't find another FNAF FanFic like it.I hope your doing well wherever your are in life! And I hope you know that there a people out there who really appreciate this masterpiece! XOXO...
I've been following this story for a loooooong time and I've re-read it on multiple occasions, I just want to let you, the author, know that this is a spectacular read and I honestly can't find another FNAF FanFic like it.I hope your doing well wherever your are in life! And I hope you know that there a people out there who really appreciate this masterpiece! XOXO...
7/23/2023 c67 1GuardianOfTheEther
I see it's been a year without an update so I just want to say I hope you're doing fine and that we see more of you soon. Good FANF stories are hard to find and I'd hate for this one to go unfinished.
I see it's been a year without an update so I just want to say I hope you're doing fine and that we see more of you soon. Good FANF stories are hard to find and I'd hate for this one to go unfinished.
7/17/2023 c67 SimplyDaria
Hi! I read all 67 chapters in the last three days and wanted to say that I love this fanfic so much, I made an account to post this! Can’t wait for future chapters and I hope you’re well!
Hi! I read all 67 chapters in the last three days and wanted to say that I love this fanfic so much, I made an account to post this! Can’t wait for future chapters and I hope you’re well!
7/10/2023 c67 The god of kills
It was the best book and 67 episodes I'm like I try to read and it was good! Are there gonna be more please say something thx for the book!
It was the best book and 67 episodes I'm like I try to read and it was good! Are there gonna be more please say something thx for the book!
7/5/2023 c8 The god of kills
The best8 for so far
The best8 for so far
6/11/2023 c64 Guest
6/11/2023 c20 Guest
He’s an Afton
He’s an Afton
5/23/2023 c67 Guest
When is this going to be finished?
When is this going to be finished?
3/26/2023 c26 Guest
For a harem fic, you show remakable restraint.
(That's a good thing, by the way. If you hadn't done any of this slower development stuff I wouldn't have been interested.)
Other than my previously stated pet peeve of describing breasts with bra sizes, this has been great.
For a harem fic, you show remakable restraint.
(That's a good thing, by the way. If you hadn't done any of this slower development stuff I wouldn't have been interested.)
Other than my previously stated pet peeve of describing breasts with bra sizes, this has been great.
3/26/2023 c2 Guest
Honestly, I would have preferred some sort of plot that made it more difficult to befriend the various animatronics. Maybe their appearance at night reflected their mental state and they start out scary, but there's just enough for him to suspect more is going on and he slowly gets their trust/affection. (Maybe Marionette is the only one who is nice/coherent at the beginning or something. She's always seemed like a protector for the others in lore. And the most coherent.)
Also, completely separate from anything else, I prefer descriptions that are more than giving bra sizes. Describe what he sees and how he feels about it. Giving bra sizes makes him sound like a massive pervert. (It makes sense to have a defined size in you, the author's, mind. It doesn't make sense that your POV character can size someone for a bra on sight.)
Honestly, I would have preferred some sort of plot that made it more difficult to befriend the various animatronics. Maybe their appearance at night reflected their mental state and they start out scary, but there's just enough for him to suspect more is going on and he slowly gets their trust/affection. (Maybe Marionette is the only one who is nice/coherent at the beginning or something. She's always seemed like a protector for the others in lore. And the most coherent.)
Also, completely separate from anything else, I prefer descriptions that are more than giving bra sizes. Describe what he sees and how he feels about it. Giving bra sizes makes him sound like a massive pervert. (It makes sense to have a defined size in you, the author's, mind. It doesn't make sense that your POV character can size someone for a bra on sight.)