Just In
for Five Night's at Freddi's

4/22/2018 c33 3Stylus Opium
Fanservice Much? Geez
4/22/2018 c25 Stylus Opium
Depression Much?
4/22/2018 c20 Stylus Opium
OH NO! Murder Mystery!
4/22/2018 c17 Stylus Opium
4/22/2018 c14 Stylus Opium
I don't really like outside forces screwing around with the MC.
Gives off a bad Vibe.
3/31/2018 c64 zoejaneh101
Plz update! I cant find many like this one!
3/18/2018 c64 Guest
Please continue this fanfiction I cannot wait to read the new chapter
3/16/2018 c64 Fnaf Is My Thing
So I was just wondering if your making more of this series also if you do I would like to see some Jennifer x Tony plz
3/11/2018 c64 Guest
3/1/2018 c64 1omegawolf000
This is really good bt the lemons should be dragged out a little more but oh well cant wait till the next chapter comes out
2/15/2018 c64 Nuggets
I wonder who that could be (cough cough mangle lemon chapter )
2/3/2018 c46 puzzlemasterpapyrus
Dammit mangle.
1/21/2018 c64 Mad Man
Definitely one of - if not - the best fan fiction I’ve ever read. I’m on the edge of my seat for the next chapter. I check back here at least 4 times a week just to be sure haha
1/17/2018 c64 Guest
Plz continue this I love this plz
1/15/2018 c64 candelariaobd
sorry this isn't a review more like an offer

I have seen your work and you're very good at writing.
so I thought why not give you this offer.
To make some money on the side

get paid to write online
check the link out if you're interested
. /

ps I love your story keep up the great work. I can't wait for the next chapter
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