Just In
for Five Night's at Freddi's

8/27/2017 c64 Guest
Yay another chapter.
8/27/2017 c64 1985
Please continue soon and make the next chapter with tony and mangle
8/27/2017 c64 Smiling Lemon
Sexy and fun with a dash of mystery. I really want to see more!
8/27/2017 c63 Jacob
Hey man great work. Can't wait to see what you what you do for the next one.

Tip: you wanna get the ones who nag you about posting sooner? Have about three prewritten and ready to publish at once that way u get a set schedule. Just a tip take it or leave it I'm not judging.
8/28/2017 c64 4Sandshrew master 317
Nice chapter though I do hope our white vixen get go next
8/27/2017 c64 noah141232
I wonder why this story doesn't show up as recently updated under the fnaf category
8/27/2017 c64 freddy.lane.1
okay thats two down, a lot more to go.
8/27/2017 c64 8R4v3n Wy7ch
Aww, don't worry Mangle. You'll get your turn.

Love the new chapter. I feel like I've been waiting forever for it. Can't wait for the next update!
8/27/2017 c64 2te.nellis
Excellent, keep it up!
8/27/2017 c64 Rasengalia
Excellent story. Looking forward to seeing the next update.
8/27/2017 c64 StrongGuy159
Cool chapter continue please.
8/27/2017 c64 30Linkonpark100
Soon, Mangle. Soon.
8/6/2017 c63 Retsag
Oh come on!
8/6/2017 c32 sacke110
He's getting kisses from all of them in one night? Damn he moves fast.
8/5/2017 c25 sacke110
Dun dun Dunn... what is Goldie hiding?
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