Just In
for Five Night's at Freddi's

6/10/2017 c63 1PointlessSanity
One Word.

Wait no... two...

"Oh Shit"
6/7/2017 c63 Weegee
Yay an update! You are alive I was worried that this amazing story would never be continued. Also you have dropped hints but will this be a Harem story? Keep up the excellent work.

Sincerely, Weegee
6/9/2017 c63 S.K.Y IS GONE
ooh cliffhanger. Cant wait for next upload!
6/5/2017 c63 Indominus
Great chapter can't wait for the next one and I have a question are you going to add the animatronics from five night at Freddy sister location and it is a question and a suggestion because I think most of them their are already female I think but again it is a suggestion and a question that is all
6/5/2017 c63 Smiling Lemon
Sexy yes and oooh Jennifer's grandpa might just be taking protecter her a little too far.
6/5/2017 c63 Guestman
So the deadbeat boyfriend makes his appearance. This can only end in tears.
6/6/2017 c63 7SnakeClaw666
Uh oh.
6/5/2017 c63 2te.nellis
Nice. Keep it up!
6/5/2017 c63 32Devlin Dracul
*snicker* Yeah, Marie. You've had your fun. Let Foxy have a go. Freddie can have her turn last. Naughty bears in denial get their honey last.
6/5/2017 c63 freddy.lane.1
...well, now why would he be waiting for her?
6/5/2017 c63 Tomwar
OK. Officially I setting up camp in front of my computer and waiting for next chapter...
6/5/2017 c63 StrongGuy159
Cool chapter continue please.
No jenifer. don't betray us!
6/5/2017 c63 9ThrashMetalMartin
Dayumn son, we have something building up! Also, I like how you're hinting at some stuff in the future... Good luck and keep up with the good work.
6/5/2017 c62 2TheDisplacerOfEquestrias
I patiently wait for more, good sir.

You have furiously fascinated me with your story, and I do hope to see more, my friend.
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