Just In
for Five Night's at Freddi's

12/20/2021 c1 jetjedi
12/6/2021 c66 gkao
hey, i know that you dont like people begging for new uploads and i apoligize if i missed a thing where yore terminating this story but i just wanted to ask if you were gonna do a new chapter.
11/20/2021 c61 Schazmen
Damn, that's a hell of an upgrade. And definitely worth the long way to get to it.
On behalf of all the idiots and assholes demanding immediate updates and ignoring your wishes, I am sorry you have to deal with them.
11/20/2021 c59 Schazmen
Well, that wasn't a good first impression of the place.
11/19/2021 c55 Schazmen
Holy crap, this pizzeria is a melting pot of mental trauma and amateur therapy! I love it!
11/19/2021 c54 Schazmen
Can't say that 'twat' is my favorite word. But the chapter altogether, probably one of my favorites. Getting Foxy's POV for most of it was beautiful, too. This chapter oozed romance, despite the teasing. The hurt and comfort in the end just emphasized that.
11/19/2021 c48 Schazmen
Well damn. I figured they'd get jealous, but I didn't think they'd go and do THAT to her.
Then again, who do they have to teach social norms and what's going too far? Certainly not Mr Fazbear.
11/19/2021 c35 Schazmen
That. That right there. That was some heavy shit. Grotesque as it was, you did an excellent job portraying Vinny as a complete psychopath.
11/14/2021 c66 Laerte Vinicius
I want mmmmmmmmmmmmmooooooooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
10/7/2021 c65 1DatGuy1st
I hope you will update this but it is hard because you have so many stories
10/2/2021 c20 Dragonhearted77
oh nvm he's related to the purple guy neat
10/2/2021 c20 Dragonhearted77
he the bite of 87 victim? would explain why he doesn't remember much
10/2/2021 c4 Dragonhearted77
he's literally Joshua Graham lmao
9/21/2021 c1 Samps3975
always loved this story, sad to see it left alone for so long. heres to hoping you return!
9/14/2021 c8 kaiodaken
this is awesome but i have to ask who your timeline man is matpat is probably a good option
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