Just In
for The Broken Hero

9/13/2015 c25 Monkeydude722
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I hate it so much. Why must everything I read have a CLIFFHANGER!
8/26/2015 c4 9Tri-Edge
can has I garmmarz?

Seriously though, that was pretty bad.
8/26/2015 c3 Tri-Edge
Get a beta reader, please.

That english...

smh. ;P
8/25/2015 c25 fentycare
:0 shit is gonna go downnnn. Annywayyyy great story so far. Does percy get any gaea abilities or rhea or artemis or hera abilities. Or does he need to make another person fade? I hope it's the fade one because action scenes.
8/21/2015 c1 3IExistInAStateOfPureCaffeine
Dramatic bitch much
8/20/2015 c25 The One who has Risen
Awesome story can't wait to see where this is going
8/20/2015 c25 6Wade98
Okay, so is Percy's sister really going to become a maiden or will she find someone to date after all? Can't wait for the next chapter.
8/20/2015 c25 TheAdamantWarrior
*mutters evil person* well I must say something plz hurry up with the next chap and update the wild hunter it's so good and it needs to be updated I like all your stories and hope I will be as good as you sometime in the future
8/20/2015 c25 MrHoneyXBadger
ive had this on my mind for a while now but if this story keeps going Percy is gonna have to take Poseidon's title as Earth Shaker (lol)
8/20/2015 c25 2MJ-Booklover
8/20/2015 c25 1DarkGamer159
nice chapter 3 ur story hope next chapter will come soon
8/20/2015 c25 2JustLucky05
EXCELLENT! I loved it. I had wondered when and how Percy was going to tell his mother about his future wives. I absolutely LOVED how she disciplined Apollo. Now Triton understands why nobody messes with Sally. I can’t wait to see what Percy does to this guy. Keep up the wonderful work, and please post again soon.
8/20/2015 c25 Youdontseethis
Also, Lord help our souls while we wait for your next chapter.
8/20/2015 c25 Youdontseethis
You ARE evil, leave me be...
8/19/2015 c25 Guest
Thank goodness sally and baby grade made it through! Lol apollo got scolded :D. Looking forward to the next chapters!
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