Just In
for The Broken Hero

2/10/2015 c2 2JustLucky05
Nice, very nice! Way to go Hestia! she is so awesome! I can't wait to see how this progresses.
2/10/2015 c2 1symbiote2254
nice story ive never seen one like it
2/10/2015 c1 12Gold Testament
With how you made Gaea in this fic you could so make a PercyXGaea fic.
2/10/2015 c2 Thundercade
Story is good so far, i was wondering if he got super strength from the metal arms?
2/10/2015 c2 1Dr. Maou-Senpai
Please update soon!
2/10/2015 c2 3Son of Tyche
Cool looking story
2/10/2015 c2 odee
Really like story so far
2/10/2015 c2 1Inperiosus
Uh, that was great but please give the warning that the characters are OOC.
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