Just In
for The Broken Hero

4/3/2019 c31 ImAPyromaniac
*threatening tone* You will update this story now.
*sweet voice* Please.
12/27/2018 c31 Guest
Update this story soon
11/26/2018 c22 Amphtirte
yeah that's probably for the wisest if you don't ask about the hot spring
11/7/2018 c1 Guest
CAN you continue the story please because I found that it’s a Good concept
8/21/2018 c31 Dilemmaoftilt30920
This was a fantastic read well done
8/10/2018 c31 Guest
Noooooo! Why did you stop?!
8/10/2018 c31 jesse22345
needs and epilogue
6/8/2018 c1 Arachnophiliac
You should
6/5/2018 c31 Duda Alves
please fast update
please fast update
please fast update
5/22/2018 c20 Entropy the Eternal
Not "consummating". Consummating implies sex.
Instead, use "Consuming". This means using, eating, or burning.
5/8/2018 c31 15the real narnia
AWESOME. I love this take to story, and the inclusion of Gaia. I'm eager to see where this story goes as it continues. I know it's been years since you've updated, but I hope you haven't dropped this fic. It's really good so far and I'm really looking forward to more or the story. I hope you're able to update soon! Happy writing! :)
5/4/2018 c2 7LunaLament
I loved the first chapter of this story, however, I'm not so sure about the second. I do like the mechanical parts, but personally I'm not sure if Percy would cal himself a 'monster' just because of it. He couldve seen it as a way to remember Charles.
Second, I believe his mood swing to Angey was...too abrupt, It wasn't really believable to me.
Also the Laughing on the floor, plus Jason's anger.
However, I do get that that could be explained by a missing bit of his brain, but still...
Anyway, just giving you my thoughts, hope you take them into account!
You're still a great writer, very descriptive. Hope it goes well from here!
5/3/2018 c31 Guest
Update child
2/11/2018 c31 Guest
2/7/2018 c18 1Plasma Dragon 312
Why can’t he convince posiedon to help Medusa? She was a normal girl before so...
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