Just In
for Light At The End Of The Tunnel

10/3/2016 c10 100SamA0923
That was great can't wait till next time
9/19/2016 c9 Guest
Is this ever going to be updated?
1/16/2016 c9 Guest
I love how smart alecky Roman is! What's next?
11/23/2015 c9 20Pinayprincesa
Awwww...Sethy developing puppy love for Paige. :-)
11/14/2015 c9 9ChocolateReignz
This was a nice chapter
I enjoyed it a lot.
Hahaha seth is such a baby, n so adorable
Roman was funny, "I'm collection dean n cry baby"
Hunter vs roman.
That sounds fun
11/14/2015 c8 ChocolateReignz
Seth, n paige?
I love seth too much to see him with paige.
But I' to know what else did dean n roman do with seths phone!
11/14/2015 c9 Guest
Lovin' it!
11/11/2015 c9 aussieKayz
Great chapter
11/8/2015 c8 20Pinayprincesa
Awwwww...Dean and Ro are so cute playing matchmaker for their little brother and Paige!
9/26/2015 c7 9ChocolateReignz
So adorable
Roman is a loving n caring teddy bear and seth ... he is ... well he is a teddy bear too but a smaller one. The one u wanna snuggle in ur arms. And dean is the grumpy kind of teddy bear, who would be against snuggling but when u do he would secretly enjoy it .
I loved this chapter
9/14/2015 c7 39Willow Edmond
Awww, Poor Seth thought Hunter was mad. But instead, Shawn just went for pizza. And that was so sweet of Hunter to tell them he could never be disappointed by them.
9/13/2015 c7 79Syreina
Sigh's happily. Awesome btw.
9/12/2015 c6 9ChocolateReignz
Hunter slapped seth...
Hahahaahaha roman n dean ..
I enjoyed this update a lot..
Keep it coming ...
9/4/2015 c6 1caz21
great story well done.
8/7/2015 c5 9ChocolateReignz
I liked it a lot
Really sweet
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