Just In
for You Belong To Me

5/13/2015 c5 5Natsuki D
Update please
5/12/2015 c5 8Muahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
5/11/2015 c5 darkhuntressxir
zeref really love natsu..
what did zeref meant by saying the last sentence?
5/11/2015 c5 6phineashiccup
love it can't wait for another chapter
5/11/2015 c5 3Blackhatred
Muderous thoughts are filling my mind, i can see the blood now. Zeref, soon very soon.
5/11/2015 c5 9Nikkirose and PhantomhiveQueen
Hey good job
5/6/2015 c3 5ThatRainbowAngst
That's the song from How to Train Your Dragon 2! You know... When Stoick and Valka (Hiccup's mother) are reunited. That scene was sweet. Anyway... Great chapter! XP
5/3/2015 c4 Guest
Nika and Tari... i thought they would look like cute little angles or something...
update please
5/3/2015 c4 Leska
Continueeeeeeeeeeee please
5/4/2015 c4 darkhuntressxir
what kind of punishment will natsu face..
5/3/2015 c4 3Blackhatred
Bitch don't touch my Natsu
5/3/2015 c4 8Muahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
Mmmmmmm, Yummy! Can't wait for the M to be spelled out! Hope Natsu will look at Zeref in another point of view after this upcoming event...
BTW! Wouldn't it be awesome if Zeref dressed Natsu in his old clothes he had when he were female? He would be so pretty!
5/3/2015 c4 9Nikkirose and PhantomhiveQueen
Good job with it
5/3/2015 c4 4Llaelien
Ahh! I need to read the next chapter! Please, udpate soon!
4/30/2015 c3 Nia
natsu zeref past life fience or girlfrend?
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