Just In
for You Belong To Me

4/28/2015 c3 8Muahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
God! You really know how to make a young fag cry!
4/28/2015 c2 Muahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
I really understand you get tears, writing this... But guess what! It will come yaoi!
*whisper whisper* uhuh, uhuh... ah!
You already knew that didn't you!
4/18/2015 c1 Leska
Continueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee please
4/17/2015 c3 6phineashiccup
love this story can't wait for another chapter
4/17/2015 c3 darkhuntressxir
what is the fault? they really loved each other in the past..
4/15/2015 c3 blackhatred
I feel no sympathy for Zeref, I still hate him and always will
4/15/2015 c3 ShesTheBoss19
You got the lyrics wrong... it's ne'er which isn't short for "Never" in this case, it's short for "not a" which makes sense.
4/14/2015 c3 9Nikkirose and PhantomhiveQueen
4/2/2015 c2 Guest
update T_T
4/1/2015 c2 2Mariz777
God, i want to know what will happens with Natsu, what will Zeref do with him?. It's very interesting and I feel sorry for the guild, i mean, they don't want Natsu to leave... Anyway, I look for the next chapter :D
3/30/2015 c2 Dragonblaze66
Interesting chap but update more often.
3/28/2015 c2 Louf-13
update fast! please!
3/28/2015 c2 Killua17
Now this is interesting! XD
3/25/2015 c2 12heathnils
Natsu! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
And yet...
3/24/2015 c2 5Nega Kris
Cliffhanger why you must troll us... But this story is rather good so far i can't wait till it's finished.
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