Just In
for Nejiten: Highschool Love

3/11/2019 c5 5Ms. Ayame
Please continue story!
1/13/2019 c1 rainyyyy
Man...u gotta continue this soon
9/22/2018 c2 Neji's Waif
Shazai suru hitsuyo wanai!
9/22/2018 c2 Tenten Hyuga
Neji- Nii- San, "Kami-sama arigatou, unmei no, itazura demo. Meguriaeta koto ga, shiawase na no" Her!
9/22/2018 c1 Tenten Hyuga
Such a twist! I'm a middle schooler at Farb Middle. 7th grade, and this turns my heart!
8/12/2017 c5 liepah
next chapter please...
3/6/2015 c2 2Queenies
I'm really interested to see where TenTen's financial problems are coming from! Please, keep writing!
3/2/2015 c3 SilentMidnight2
Aww nejis jealous. I wonder when he will actually tell her how he feels about her. Great work so far. :)
I can't wait for the next update

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