Just In
for The Hale Pack

1/9 c30 el V alfa SI MAT
lo e leeido hasta kos primeros caps de la segunda teporada, hora leey mas y no desepciona , me alegra que las momentos romanticos sean lo justo, no poco no demaciado. ademas me alegra que pucieras a malia en realidad creo que en la serie se acostunbro demaciado facil, se que fue fuera de camara pero igua. osea pasa 8 años de formacion como animal salbaje.
11/26/2024 c1 Vinay-kox01
I just finished reading your story "The Hale Pack", and I absolutely loved it! I'd be super excited to adapt it into a comic or animation in my own style. I'm a digital artist and currently open for commission projects. I always aim to deliver work that I think you'd really enjoy, and hopefully, want to share too! My rates are fair, and I make sure the quality is top-notch every time.
If you’re interested, let's chat more I’d love to bring your story to life! You can reach me on
Discord: graphic_gold
Twitter: VKox139175
Instagram: vinaykox1

Hope to hear from you soon!
3/16/2024 c31 Guest
I re read you comments at the end of every page and I found that you disappeared for three years, but came back and started writing again. I really hope you continue this story. This fan fiction is one of the best I’ve ever read.
3/15/2024 c31 Guest
Are you continuing with this story? I hope you do! I started reading this three days ago and could not put it down, I really really REALLY hope you continue with this. The cliffhanger with Stiles is nerve wracking.
11/20/2023 c1 Emilyjade22.x
Love this fanfic
6/20/2022 c31 Alexmicheals
Please continue the story I want to know more. It is just getting good.
4/11/2022 c31 llazo4108824
This is a very cool fanfic and the Derek and Stiles together is so cute being together and could you make more chapters soon pretty please I like to see what happen next to all of them together in more chapters.
12/23/2021 c4 55Poke-ranger21
12/2/2021 c31 Poke-ranger21
please update! I just found this story and LOVE IT so much!
11/12/2021 c31 5Fallen-Angel7394
Are you continuing this or is it over?
10/25/2021 c31 Maverick123214685
please update, great story, though I still find it annoying how people keep stiles as void even when he's got a wolf which is meant to prevent possession.
10/24/2021 c18 Maverick123214685
think it's time for deacon to make an appearance considering the size of the hale pack they could use their emissary
10/22/2021 c7 Lmppsc
Not going to lie. I feel cock blocked…
6/1/2021 c31 Guest
Please write more I need to know what gonna happen next
4/23/2021 c28 Guest
So the plan was to continue making Stiles a Nogitsune but just give true alpha status to Derek and say fuck Scott and any potential power up he gets considering he is literally the weakest beta in the pack? Seems legit
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