Just In
for The Hale Pack

9/2/2015 c22 6xxkimberlysalvatorexx
Love your story could you eventually bring in Kira, the twins and Liam, Hayden and Mason ️
8/31/2015 c22 Nexitye
Okay so I absolutely loved this! I cannot wait for the next chapter, even if I was hoping to see some angsty fluff about Stiles' hallucination. And maybe some more Boyd and Danny stuff. Oh well. Still can't wait to see where this is going, especially with Peter and how this will all tie into the next season, especially with Ally's mother thrown into the mix. Just as long as you keep writing I'll be happy!
8/31/2015 c22 4Candy Lof
I miss Sterek cute and romantic moments
8/30/2015 c22 90lateVMlover
Is Tammy a character from the show that I don't remember or did you create her? It's a great spin you're doing. I like reading Derek since he's been gone this season and the show just isn't the same. Great update!
8/30/2015 c22 13XxZessxX
Peter having some kind of alliance with Gerard is a very bad thing. On their own they are dangerous but working towards a common goal? Our pack is in for a difficult fight.
The hallucinations were mean and I'm glad that Isaac and Allison could talk to Scott about his and keep that idea from setteling in too deep into his brain. Stiles' was should mabe also talk to someone too. He is always so conserned for his pack that maybe sometimes he forgets himself (but I guess everyone in the pack has that tendency, depending on the circumstances).
It's sad that Tammy died but at least they have Matt in custody and he can pay for what he' done.
Great, I'm looking forward to more fluffiness and Derek and Stiles alone time :)
8/30/2015 c22 1DragonDCelina
I just want to say the chapture was wonderful, i really like it
i hope for a bit more pack pile in the next chapture
please update soon

see ya DDC
8/30/2015 c22 3Lynette Serina Jones Harkness
Omg grate ch
8/29/2015 c22 6WordySmith101
Oh I do. This was a fun read and I love how it's going to get even more fun! Please update soon! _
8/29/2015 c21 1DragonDCelina
I read this Story and it was amazing!
There were moments when i forgot that this is a Fanfiction, because ahhh i can't even describe it!
i mean Jeff Davis has creat something wonderful, but in some parts i lovee this Story even more than the original
I want you to write the next chapter, because I need it, every day that i have to wait is a agony!
So please hurry up!
by the way I like your writting style and how you changed a few things!
Thank you for writting this Story

See ya, DDC
8/29/2015 c21 Nexitye
absolutely, loved it so much, I can't believe the Kanima twist well done!
8/24/2015 c21 13XxZessxX
Stiles and Derek really needed a proper first date. Their pack is awesome and Stiles is now fully embracing his role as pack mummy xD Good that the pack was there to talk to Stiles and let him realise that everything is not his fault. I liked the little making out part at the beginning in the school parking lot.
The Sheriff might be right when it comes to real life law enforcement but Stiles actually has a pretty decent instinct when it come to this kind of things
So they know who the Kanima is, that's good. This way they can better (try to) help Tammy. Matt is a douche. Now that he has the Kanima his ego became way too big for him, annoying. Kissing a werewolf mate is a really stupid move, definately not his brightest moment.
Gerard is not a good influence on the hunters. Chris at least respects the treaty and sticks to the code but the others sadly are not like him and Gerard is enforcing such behaviour. This could become a tricky situation for Chris very soon.
Oh and it's in a funny way strange to read about the girls discussing their clothes, outfits and what weapon goes bet with it xD
Anyhow, looking forward to reading more.
8/23/2015 c21 3Lynette Serina Jones Harkness
Love it
8/23/2015 c21 3mks 12 98
What just happened? Is Peter finally gone this just the beginning of Peter's comeback?
Amazing chapter by the way! :D
8/23/2015 c21 2Chikacookie
I like who the kanima turned out to be. Loved their date it was cute. Look forward to the next chapter. Happy belated birthday by the way.
8/22/2015 c21 6WordySmith101
Love it! Write more! But sleep well too!
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