Just In
for The Hale Pack

3/10/2015 c8 4Candy Lof
OMG I'm in LOVE with this story! Everything about it it's perfect! Can't wait for more chapters!
3/10/2015 c8 2Mangy
It is a good chapter. But I think it would have been better that Stiles and Derek continue this statut quo (I don't know if we can say that in English).
Scott is a little less annoying but he is so egoistical... It's like "I am the most important person in the world!"...
Lydia is the queen bee, like always!
Good luck for the next chapter!
3/9/2015 c8 19Divineoverseer
Kate's coming. Oh, Derek's ex should be good for Stiles to deal with. Oh, and it is chips.
3/9/2015 c8 3mks 12 98
Makes up for it completely! Absolutely! Poor Stiles! 18 is such a long way dog years! :P Pun completely intended! :D
3/9/2015 c8 16cornelia.schuitema
Don't be so sure. I might not be a living creature. Really like this chapter. Scott got his hear out of his ass, at least for now :)
3/7/2015 c7 3Mango To The Max
I hate this...i m...starting to really like the idea of... Sterek! How'd you do that? Update soon! For the sake of my sanity... what little there is left anyways...
3/7/2015 c7 9Erudessa-gabrielle
3/6/2015 c7 2Mangy
I am happy to learn that you will write on the entire series because I really like your story!
Scott is an idiot... Like always shall I say?
Stiles' crush on Derek is kind of cute in a way! He is even daydreaming...
I can't wait to read what will happen next!
3/6/2015 c7 3mks 12 98
Oh, come on! It was a daydream! T_T I'm crying on the inside!
3/6/2015 c7 3Imiyaki
Oh wow. Curse you Scott! *shakes fist at nothing* more sterek please! I actually thought stiles daydream was real and I was That escalated quickly.
Don't worry about updates being late, it's fine and if people complain, stuff em! I just say update soon as encouragement that I want to read more, not to pressure you into updating! Or to make you feel bad about not updating! Cuz now I feel like I did this and feel bad.
Oh well...miscommunication is a biatch.
Anyway, I'm loving this and keep up the good work!
3/6/2015 c7 19Divineoverseer
This should be interesting. Now that Allison is associating Derek with both Scott and Stiles as being friends instead of just knowing each other it could lead to some things if she slips it out to her parents or Kate. Not to mention that Stiles and Scott seem to be drifting away from each other with Stiles moving closer with Derek and Scott moving closer with Allison and those two represent opposite sides of all of this.
3/6/2015 c7 16cornelia.schuitema
Thanks for this chapter. And for responding to my review. I don't mind spoilers so thanks for telling me. Pleased to hear that the Sheriff will find out. It's not like he will be more in danger for knowing. He got dragged in as soon as Stiles got bit. It would be bitter if he knows exactly what he's dealing With. PS: I live for Stilinski family feels
3/5/2015 c6 AshesCastle
Love this story's, it's amazing! Hope you update soon!
3/2/2015 c6 Guest
Okay wow! I loved it! So, so much! Can't wait for more.
And please can Stiles get hurt or something? That would make my day :)
In the end though, it's your wish ...I'm perfectly fine with the way you're taking things!
Update as soon as you can!
3/3/2015 c6 sidneytrahan101
Please update this story it's amazing!
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