Just In
for The Hale Pack

2/22/2015 c3 19Divineoverseer
You're welcome and I hope you like them as well as I do. I can't wait to read more of your story. I wonder how the both of them will react to the hunters coming up. Or, what will Stiles think of Allison now that he's a wolf that isn't wearing rose colored glasses on her like Scott is.
2/20/2015 c1 Guest
loved it
please keep going
2/21/2015 c1 Vickie457
That was good more please.

2/21/2015 c2 16cornelia.schuitema
really like this so far. please update soon, and I hope that the sheriff has a part in this, I love him as a character. and I think that Stiles should tell him about the hairy buisness :)
2/20/2015 c2 19Divineoverseer
Eclipse Wing made two stories like that and they are pretty good in case you haven't seen them. I can't wait to see what you do with yours.
2/19/2015 c1 MissTigerLily1013
More please?! I love this so far. It's a great idea. :)
2/19/2015 c1 shadowstarxy
This is great. Usually people make fanfics of Stiles replacing Scott but I feel like if Stiles was with Scott Peter would have bitten them both. Update soon. Can't wait to see where you go with this.
2/19/2015 c1 3KaylanRenee
I like it. Keep going
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