Just In
for Forever?

3/4/2015 c2 13GoddessArtemis1999
I wish you would continue this and add the part where they go to London.

But it's still an amazing story!
3/3/2015 c2 DeaddddAcccount
The glimpse in the promo (I'm 99% sure) was from a previous week. And seeing as he's only on the show as a love interest and they never give him his own plot line -_- I don't think he'll be in it since Spencer's in London.
3/2/2015 c2 Guest
keegan is in the episode before the finale so we have to wait until march 17th ugh ! and that glimpse doesn't mean he's in the episode I think they used that glimpse for a random reason becuase I stalk the actors in each episode too and he doesn't come back until 5x24 nut anyway amazing story so update and hope you feel better !(:
3/2/2015 c2 2Emilyjayden101
Lol. You do the same thing i do. Every episode i look at the names for keegan allens name. When i see it i pump my fists and get excited, and when i dont i get super sad and just want to get the episode over with so i can get ti the next episode whicb hopefully has toby in it. I am an obseesed Spoby lover. Lol. Glad i am not the only that looks at the names. I was hoping Toby would be in next episode and find out Spencer went to London since she did say she wanted them to go together the next time. I could imagine him freaking out that Spencer is in another country without him. Poor Toby. Great story. Loved it. Loved how Toby said he wanted to track down Johnny and punch him. Such a Toby thing to say and he would totally do it too. Lol. :D
3/2/2015 c2 4David Fishwick
Thanks for writing a great ending as I enjoyed reading this.
3/2/2015 c2 13sarahschneider2012
This is amazing, I love this story.
2/28/2015 c1 2Emilyjayden101
It very much does suck. Every episode i look at the names at the bottom trying to find tobys. Such disapointment when i dont see it. Poor toby! When spencer was off in london i was really hoping toby would find out she wasnt in rosewood and freak, but no such luck. :( spencer didnt cheat, but i was mad at her for not pushing him away. Dieing to know what tobys going to do. Update more super soon please! :)
2/25/2015 c1 Guest
Please update
2/23/2015 c1 4David Fishwick
Nice beginning and I hope there is more soon.
2/23/2015 c1 happily.idiotic
So so great! Can't wait for the next chapter. There's gonna be a happy ending right? I NEED one.
2/22/2015 c1 Guest
Omg my heart broke reading this. Update soon! I love it. It's so awesome
2/22/2015 c1 Guest
2/22/2015 c1 13GoddessArtemis1999
Great story, until spencer told him and probably broke his heart and broke my heart also. Next chapter soon?
2/22/2015 c1 Guest
2/22/2015 c1 13sarahschneider2012
This is amazing, I can't wait to find out what happens to Spoby in part 2. Hopefully Toby will forgive Spencer.

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