Just In
for Changing the Way They Saw Him

3/29/2015 c14 3ladipretender
Honestly-no, you didn't surprise me...after all, you've been steadily more violent than the movie has been, so I would have been suprised if you hadn't gone that route. (and, I guess we're just thinking of different connotaions for breaking point-because, technically, yes, it meets the definition, so you're completely right, but it's just not the way I would associate it with the situation. And it's ok that you broke him, because, obviously you're going to fix him again before you end the story (which I can tell simply by the way you're writing his commentary during the watching portions of the film) after all, no one who has faced such hard situations is truly unbroken)) Sorry it took so long to review-RL has seriously been kicking my a$$ the last few days, repeatedly, and I'm beginning to feel like poor Hiccup at the end of this chapter.
3/29/2015 c14 DragonTrainerBoss
Shit he's going though a lot of shit
3/29/2015 c14 a random person
What do you mean? Hmmm... Stoick was terrible! He disowned him in the movie but hurting him as well? It fits the story, he was still more or less possessed and he feels bad about it now so I'll forgive you. What will they find in the nest? How will it differ from the movie?
3/28/2015 c13 Brys
I like this story a lot, I can't wait to read more! It is really fun, great writing.
3/27/2015 c13 a random person
Nice job! So Tiandra IS controlling the dragons. What is Hiccup doing with the sprites? What makes them grey/ white?
3/27/2015 c13 ladipretender
This isn't gonna be one of my mega enthusiastic reviews-I simply don't have the energy right now, but wanted to get this done right away. I'm really happy to see how it's all coming together-and the hints of just what SHE is up to didn't surprise me in the least. I kinda figured on a few of those hints, and was glad to see a somewhat confirmation of the remaining length of this story. I have a few ideas tinkering around in my brain about what his plan might semi consist of-and I'm intrigued even more by the white/light grey sprites as opposed to the black ones, and hope to find out more about that before too long. (Also, you're right, but I have to doubt it's a true breaking point (maybe bent or dented or battered beyond normal) especially not if it can be put at least mostly back together again afterwards...even if it's never gonna be easy to do )
3/25/2015 c12 ladipretender
Oh-something just occurred to me...And you know I'm dedicated since I had to log out to leave this review, and will have to log back in once I'm finished (which can be a trying task in and of itself) But-in your beginning AN, you mentioned that you were going to underline things that weren't his memories but part of his dreams-only I don't see any of that in your chapter...
3/23/2015 c12 ladipretender
(this review box seriously needs an evil grin, because I'm pretty sure that I picked up on those hints ;P And I like your style) Sorry that it took me so long to review today, I saw the email form fanfic this morning...while I was about 2 hours into my work day, and I knew I wouldn't be able to handle it if I tried to read it on my 4 inch phone screen. PLUS...I really didn't think I would be able to refrain from spazzing out, and I WAS RIGHT! It was so totally wicked! I loved this chapter and all its awesomeness: and...even though I hadn't thought it was possible before I started, it made me hate HER even more. (How funny is it, though, that, even with all the crap she put Hiccup through, in the end he doesn't conform to her plans. The 'worst Viking Berk has ever seen' really does have a core of solid steel running through him, of that I have no doubt.) Also-adored the Stoick/Gobber interaction, I actually cheered at one point during that (I'm sure you have a good idea just what that was) And-to go and leave it there. Again, you give me just as many questions as answers, and always leave me sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to see when you'll update next :D Oh, and no problem about that, I noticed it and immediately assumed it was a typo-and it's so easy since their names are SO close, if you think about it (and who HASN'T thought about hitting at least ONE of those two with a frying pan?)
3/23/2015 c12 DragonTrainerBoss
Wow he has gone though some shit.
3/18/2015 c11 59Death Fury
Thanks for the good chapter I was wondering 'who what when where why how" about the demon thingy for lack of better words. So next chapter? Great! I look forward to it.
3/17/2015 c11 3ladipretender
... . .There... I might seriously harm myself with all my bouncing thoughts-that have just been multiplied (forget about getting more questions NEXT chapter, you did a helluva job doing that THIS one) Was interested to see the white sprites (can't help but wonder that it's a GOOD thing, even with Z's reaction to the TT9as well as them being able to hold forms longer)) and loved the flying scene, because, I too have it as one of my absolute favorite moments (not that the absolutely awesome music that was written to accompany it isn't right up there as well) But...yeah, you ripped my heart out with that ending. (though I agree, the next chapter promises to be...interesting to say the least-hopefully there might actually be some semblence of answers of who HE might be that would be entering through either Stoick or Gobber-and if it has ANYTHING to do with the sprite at the end of this chapter-and I wanna just keep adding, but I worry that it might get confusing...well more confusing than my reviews usually are, ROFL) xD Oh-one last thing, I think you meant Snotlout making the "he's gonna crash!" not Spitelout (unless you hit Spitelout with a frying pan earlier-but I don't think you did)
3/16/2015 c10 a random person
Can and can't huh? Tiandra is so... ugh *shivers* creepy. I can't think of anything else to say so see ya!
3/16/2015 c10 59Death Fury
this was a better chapter let not get as bloody again right ;) 'cause that one really grossed me out. So the flying scene next? sweet I love that scene! update soon :D
3/16/2015 c8 Death Fury
yup you were right you did add gore...umm this chapter was okay a bit "bloody" but okay update soon please
3/15/2015 c10 DragonTrainerBoss
No now your toying :P please update soon
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