Just In
for Of Red Petals and Black Feathers

11/15/2024 c12 atandt67
So it seems like Merle is the manifestation of the Old Ruby Rose... the still idealistic, naive and bright-eyed Ruby. Sadge
11/15/2024 c5 atandt67
Shheshhh Kindred once again reminding them she is the strongest character in all of Remnant/Runeterra
10/31/2024 c4 Xur911
Im internally begging that phyrrha is somehow related to pantheon
9/15/2024 c5 Uruguay Wolf
- What did it say about her partner, that even the monsters that hunted humanity since time immemorial were weary of her?
I think u meant wary in this context.

Yeah I love Yang's internal conflict, I hope it culminates in an emotional "reunion" with sister dearest, as she realizes what's most important to her.

That last bit was chilling awesomesauce, as par for the course for Kindred.
9/15/2024 c1 Uruguay Wolf
Hmmm seems promising. Will Ruby later gain insight over people's fears too? Maybe she'll strut around all innocent then whisper-scream in Fiddle's hoarse mimicry of human voice (or talk normally) to Cinder of her fear of being weak for example. Hmm about the others
Blake: "... Why did you leave me? I'll chase you to the ends of Remnant!"
Yang: "I/She almost died, just like your real mother... all your fault! All your fault!"

Just an example, idk why she'd do that to her friends tho.
8/26/2024 c30 zetank10
... if Volibear or Anivia fell to the Grimm, that would be horrific indeed...
8/26/2024 c30 1DivineBahamutXZ
Hmm, I am taking a guess here, but it seems that in the time of Runeterra, the Grimm were their own masters. That is, Salem did not exist then, she came way later and took control of the weaker, post-cataclysm Grimm. If she even exists in this AU of yours. Honestly, I would have prefered it that way, instead of having her and the post-magic world nonsense, always felt that it was never Oum's idea to add magic into RWBY's world.
8/25/2024 c30 KHARAKI TAKAN

Neat chapter.
8/25/2024 c30 Guest
Wait, where is the REAL Winter Schnee?
8/22/2024 c29 Aleks
Creepy! What the hell is Winter Lissandra?
What about Weiss Avarosa or Serilda?
7/6/2024 c29 Neonmech
Thanks for the chapter. I was not expecting Winter to be Lissandra in the story but it makes sense. You forgetting Merle here though.
7/4/2024 c29 Dantelin
Hi! You really did a good job! I like it so much! The rest of your work too!
7/4/2024 c4 25linkjames24
You didn't change shit. Weiss and Ruby, Jaune and Pyrrha, and Yang and Blake? So much for originality. I think it's shit. What shenanigans can you possibly show that aren't a ripoff of what already occurred in the show?
7/1/2024 c23 kyurega
Damn, I had just been thinking that I was pretty sure that the word “maiden” had never been mentioned throughout the whole fic.
7/1/2024 c14 kyurega
It’s funny, cuz while this Jaune is so different from canon Jaune, Jaune both not knowing what the Vytal fesitval is and also apparently having accidentally performed some sort of traditional Mistrali courtship ritual are just such “Jaune” things to do, that it really drives in that this is still Jaune.
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