Just In
for The Doll

5/9 c6 ChefJeff
Just finished The Doll. Would like to offer the following observations:

1. This seems to have been written early in your career. One can see how your writing has improved over the years. In your later works more time is spent on really getting to know the people involved. Of course there is only so much you can write about an inanimate object.
2. I liked the solution Nancy had, it made a lot of sense. Also enjoyed seeing Frank towards the end of the story.
3. Finally, there are recipes online that recommend cooking pot roast in cola or root beer. The sugars and carbonation tenderizes the pot roast. Works well with pulled pork too. I tried one, added some BBQ sauce, liquid smoke and apple juice, it turned out great. Just thought I would throw that out there.
3/16/2021 c6 dianaanne
Fascinating story
3/27/2015 c1 Wendylouwho10
Loved this story! More of the same please!. Thank you.
3/25/2015 c1 8zenfrodo
OOoooooooooooo. Creepy doll! CREEPY CREEPY CREEPY!

My husband's aunt has a life-like china doll in her "guest" bedroom - the bedroom used to belong to his grandma, and she died there, having gone completely senile before the end. When we were able to visit, we slept in that room...and we made sure to pile our coats over that doll, because it was creeping us both out, sitting in the rocking chair and watching us...

Yeah. You're mining CREEPY TERRITORY here. muahahahaha. :)
3/25/2015 c4 zenfrodo
Man, I would've burned that doll at that point, then soaked the ashes in holy water & dumped everything into the ocean, in a box weighted with lead...BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

Thanks, Jilsen. Just what I need. A creepy story for my nightmares. Great job!
3/25/2015 c6 zenfrodo


(dear gods, I was expecting that thing to be waiting on Nancy's bed...)
3/13/2015 c6 Guest
Awesome story!

Just wanted to clarify one of my earlier posts...about when I stated that normally I'd like looking forward to the next chapter, but in this case I was looking forward to chapter 6. I do love Nancy & Frank together, so I won't deny that I was looking forward to that. However, I was also looking forward to chapter 6 because that is when the mystery and all the creepiness would be resolved. I definitely wasn't just waiting for Frank, as your writing is so captivating that the story is worth reading on its own.

Thanks for sharing!
3/11/2015 c6 24KennaC
A nice short story and very true to the inspiration. Thanks!
3/11/2015 c6 SC15
Loved this story:)

You were true to Agatha Christie's version, but still made the story your own! Loved Frank's cameo in the end.

Looking forward to your next story. Thanks for writing!
3/11/2015 c6 Guest
Yay! Perfect ending! Looking forward to your next stories... Preferably with Frank again.
3/11/2015 c6 max2013
Thank you for this great ride-I enjoyed this, and am very happy the end of this one means you sre moving on with Captive, The Beach, and more?
3/11/2015 c5 Candacetoo
Oooh, very American Horror Story! Can't wait to read more, and see Frank as well. Great chapter!
3/11/2015 c5 SC15
Ladies, DON"T anger the demon-doll! She's listening and watching and scheming! Nice chapter. Looking forward to Nancy's solution to Bess's problem.

3/10/2015 c5 Guest
Leave it to Nancy to find a solution to a supernatural mystery.

I have to hand it to Bess, she's lasted a lot longer than I would have.

Looking forward to tomorrow!
3/10/2015 c1 Guest
Truly excellent writing.
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