Just In
for The day my fanfiction came to life

5/10/2016 c12 3Risje44
I may be in love with your story! I added it to my community, because it's so amazing! Please update soon!
4/4/2016 c12 kirskirsten
AHHHH UPDATE I NEED FOURTRIS FLUFF LOL and I just added this to my community!
3/31/2016 c12 Booksforever03
Honestly, I don't think you should have made them get caught. Don't get me wrong, I love the story, but I think that shouldn't have happened. I still love it!
3/18/2016 c12 citizensg1
Hey! Super chapter! I can not wait to read more! Continue !
3/17/2016 c12 9Eden Kingsley
Stayed up till 5am to read all the way through. Once I started reading, I couldn't put it down. Can't wait to find out what happens next. Update soon.
3/16/2016 c12 Jfb715
WOW. Didn't see that one coming. Great job! But now I need MORE
12/30/2015 c11 Gus
Yay for a new chapter! I thought you were gone for good! Glad to have you back! Can't wait to read more!
12/30/2015 c11 FarAwayFromReality
12/30/2015 c11 Guest
Omg yassss I can feel the fourtris! Please update asap but I have one question : will they get together?
12/30/2015 c11 Jfb715
Nice chapter! Glad to see you're still working on the story! Keep up the good work!
11/18/2015 c10 Unknown
Plz update. I know it sounds weird but I have been waiting for months lol
11/13/2015 c10 3fangirl366
please update I really love this story. its a great plot and I think you are a really great author
11/11/2015 c10 Gus
Please update soon
10/20/2015 c10 Gus
Fourtris for the win!
9/21/2015 c10 Gus
Yay! A new chapter! Great job!
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