Just In
for Fate's Bullet

1/23/2016 c60 southerngirl1
Great and fun Caskett chapter...
1/23/2016 c60 Wilker39
Liked it all...thanks for writing.
1/23/2016 c60 MaineZoe
Awe I loved this chapter!
1/23/2016 c60 kwarner
I loved it.
1/17/2016 c59 brattling
I started reading this story this morning and just finished it. I love how you are sticking to the characters, but follow a different timeline.
I can't wait to read more.
1/17/2016 c59 txgal2015
Can't wait to see who is at the door

Thank you

1/17/2016 c59 I'm Widget
Ooh... who is it? I'm intrigued all over again. So glad they finally did it! Woohoo!
1/17/2016 c59 2alwaysbeckle
Love it! Update soon please.
1/17/2016 c59 life's a mystery
great chapter. I'm glad they have finally taken the next step :). oh I wonder who is at the door
1/16/2016 c59 southerngirl1
Jeez, who could it be?
1/16/2016 c59 kwarner
Yeah, who the hell could that be? Maybe her dad or Lanie or speak of the devil, Sorrenson?

Great chapter.
1/16/2016 c59 TORONTOSUN
I like the talk they have after the moment. I like how you brought up the kidnapping case. I wonder who is going to be at the door, interesting.
1/16/2016 c59 MontanaKate66
Very good..Anticipating the next chapter!
1/12/2016 c58 I'm Widget
Teehee! I love this. Hope they finally get to have their life together.
1/12/2016 c57 I'm Widget
Ha. I'm thinking that "one more day" will feel like forever. lol
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