Just In
for A New Era

5/23/2021 c8 6sunlightstars
I’m lovin this story so much! Please continue!
4/11/2018 c6 Karla Sprague
Are you going to update
3/21/2018 c8 tamwhit
please continue with this

i would love to read more

Poor Eric.
1/4/2018 c8 ericandtris
please continue its really good and i can't wait to see more
12/15/2017 c1 7chloew-writes
This is really good! I like Jake as he respects Tris a great deal but I hope that Tris ends up with Eric. Please update!
10/9/2017 c1 Aajrapovy
Really like this story. Can't wait to see an update.
9/14/2017 c8 bmeinzer15
Please update soon , this is one of my favorite stories and would love to see where the story is gonna go.
8/11/2017 c8 sineoneontnee
I think that Jake is trying too hard to make Tris his girlfriend, bet that Christina is involved in someway.
5/27/2017 c8 iwantanupdateplz
Please update, this is one of the few stories which makes and Eris relationship complicated, and I'm glad you're having her and Jake be together for more than one chapter as it is far more realistic. Love it :)
4/14/2017 c8 Guest
Yay! So glad you updated - I'm intrigued to see how this will all play out. Don't stop writing!
4/10/2017 c8 Mandy
Thanks for the new chapter! I'm jonesing for more Eric action but was still a great read :(

4/4/2017 c8 mmelody6
3/29/2017 c8 Guest
Hmmm...something is off about this thinks he played the scene with Eric for the cameras knowing Tris wud know or be told about it since she was visiting the control room. Now I feel somehow this version of Tris changes her mind about Four and rekindles their relationship. Just a thought :) Great writing! Thanks
3/31/2017 c8 Sunny2Rain
Thanks for the update. I enjoyed reading this story and the development between Jake and Tris. I feel that Eric will not give in to losing Tris to Jake. Tris is divergent however i find that how she responded to Jake after the control room did not reflect that part of her. Plus discussing Four with Jake too seemed out of place. I understand she doesn't want to be with Four but after what they went through together, and knowing what's in Four's fear landscape she would be more respectful of him despite his flaws. He is a very private person so Tris sharing a story about him with Jake didn't sound right. Just a thought. Keep up the writing. I appreciate it :)
3/29/2017 c8 14It'sHardIKnow
I likeddddd
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