Just In
for The Shadow of Angmar

3/19/2015 c2 ww1990ww
I wonder what harry will now do since if I guess corectly he is immortal. Maybe he will try to establish his own kingdom? With Numenorn achivemnets from the time of the last king? Funy thing Numenorn in his last fasy where in path of industralization. So imagine Harry having 1k years of rulling as king with advanecd tech. Sauron forces against ion or plasma canons?
3/19/2015 c2 1Pric3y
I bet your really looking forward to using Sindarin haha! ;P
Hopefully Harry will find the ingredients to fix his teeth
3/19/2015 c2 Ranglar
Loved it, please continue, I can wait for the Fleur story you mentioned on DLP
3/19/2015 c2 Noble Korhedron
Oh man - poor Harry... *glum*
3/19/2015 c2 Ranmaleopard
This is just interesting I can't wait for more!
3/18/2015 c1 1Still Not Dead Yet
As unprepared as she is, I get the feeling she's going to be stuck with Harry much longer than she expects.
I have to ask; is it that Harry can't die, or is it that he simply won't until he is ready to?

I look forward to your next update!
3/18/2015 c1 alec-potter
Interesting start.
3/17/2015 c1 177Firehedgehog
very niiice
3/17/2015 c1 Freaked Wotan
I rather enjoyed this first chapter, I'll be patiently waiting for a continuation.

I really like your LotR/HP crossovers (and your other fics as well ), both The Power He Knows Not and "Fabulous Elves and Where to Find Them" are great reads. I have no doubt that I will enjoy this fic as well, even if it's darker than the others.

I wish I could offer you some constructive critism, but I really can't think of anything to say, so I just figured I would give you my words of appreciation instead :)

Keep up the great work :)
3/17/2015 c1 nad destroyer
Huh your definetly going with something different here. I'll understand if there is no romance and I'm really glad this will be a longer fic. The last one... I liked it but I just prefer my stories to be longer. I'm so very glad that this is not a slash fic though. I'm getting tired of how many there are.

Wish I could leave a more meaningful review but I'm having brain farts at the moment no matter how many times I reread this chapter. I'm a bit lost as to how Harry will recover his vitality in the future. Like the chapter though.
3/17/2015 c1 Lorindol Tinuviel
I love your style of writing. I will not say it's exactly the same as "The Power He Knows Not" since obviously you would have learned a lot since then ;). You have an amazing eye for detail, being descriptive of the everything that is and happens outside of the main storyline. For example: when introducing a new character you would introduce him by his title, but also by letting us see a glimpse of what he's thinking about the situation/the person/his thoughts about home, etc. I'm so bad at writing that i would never think about that. Your writing style is very eloquent, just as i would remember/expect of Tolkien. I like the length of your chapters too. Just like in your previous story, every chapter isn't just bone, it actually has some flesh to it (Dutch saying, sorry if it doesn't exist in English :p ). What i try to say is, every chapter is able to still our hunger/curiosity for what is going to happen in the story, while still being able to maintain the suspense. This doesn't necessarily mean the plot advances. There just needs to be development. Filler chapters where the plot doesn't advance but where relationships are explored further, reminiscing of the past, contemplation of recently passed events offering the characters points of view can accomplish this too.

This story is definitely more mysterious than the last one. You got me on the edge of my seat. Will Harry go to Rivendell (since he's headed for the Misty Mountains), or perhaps even Moria... Is Harry immortal just as the elves? Is it good or bad Harry? Is he more powerful than in the last story? Does he have a staff/wand or is the Master Of Death capable of landless magic? Questions no doubt that will be answered in the coming chapters.

In short, I think this story is a rough diamond too. You can cut it into something beautiful no doubt. I'm looking forward to the next chapters with much impatience. (And if this story is going to be as good as "The Power He Know Not", i guess it's worth waiting a bit longer than what i'm used to :p )

PS: Terribly sorry for a couple of reviews you missed from me on "The Power He Know Not". I'll try to be more faithful this time, although no promises :)
3/17/2015 c1 erbkaiser - closed account
Are you writing from Ëarnur's POV when you refer to the Cataclysm that sunk Númenor as the Wrath of the Valar? Wrath seems the wrong term, it was more their desperation and the actual change of the world was a direct act of Eru.

Dark start. I wasn't expecting Harry to begin as a tortured prisoner of the Witch King with no language other than the Black Speech. Strange that Westron hurts him... an influence of Death?

A good start nonetheless. Looking forward to the rest.
3/17/2015 c1 2DarkBlade the Damned
Hello Steelbadger.

I wanted to compliment you on what is a very intriguing start to what I hope will be another excellent fic.

I really enjoyed The Power he knows Not.

I thought you did a really good job of bringing in Harry and making good use of his abilities while still keeping the story interesting.

I truly love how you try to keep faithful to the tone and form of Tolkiens works in your story.
So many fanfics these days I find unreadable as the authors modernize the story or setting far too much. Your fics have been a job to read so far and I hope they continue to be so.

This story really has me excited because you are starting things so far back in the timeline and as you have already stated canon is going to change dramatically later.

A Harry with a thousand years prior to the war of the ring could do so much.

One thing that never really made sense to me in the Lord of the Rings was how little the human nations seemed to develop. Its a bit hard to believe that in the thousand years following the fall of Arnor no real human civilization replaced it in the North. The only real ones we see are Dale and laketown. Im not sure if others did exist but it seems human civilization is gradually dying rather than recovering or progressing.

Harry could change that in so many ways, with his knowledge of what humans from earth were able to achieve, even without magic and he has plenty of time to do so.

So many questions I want to ask, like what you have planned for the men of the North.
What will happen when Smaug attacks Dale and Erebor in this timeline.
Will Harry be able to save Beorn's people before they are nearly wiped out.

But I guess I will have to be patient and see where you take this.

One thing I wanted to recommend to you. Look up a Song by Miracle of Sound called Rise.
The artist makes as his own take on the themes for movies and video games.
Rise was made for the 3rd Batman film, the Dark Knight Rises and I think it fits in very well with how we see Harry in this Chapter.

I look forward to the next chapter and seeing how Harry will rise in the future.


3/17/2015 c1 jax91
I like the idea behind this one. I hope that we see more and soon. That you don't translat the Black Speech is in my mind good. It gives the reader the feeling to be part of the story.
3/16/2015 c1 Nadoxx
Interesting so far!
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