Just In
for Where our paths once met

4/15/2015 c3 gone deleted killed account
Ah spain?! Have fun! So cute... just cute and more cute. Cant wait for the next update.
4/15/2015 c3 7StrawberryDemon
hahaha! awww that was so cute! well even If It's just a bonus I still loved this chapter! keep up the great work!
4/13/2015 c2 5reddoggie
Oh my god! Agreed with Aomine, what an as*hole father! Grawr! Akashi and the rest of the GoM need to save Tetsu from the abuse (verbal probs) so he could live in a more open environment. Please update again thanks!
4/5/2015 c2 Guest

I was wondering why an age gap of 4 years actually. I mean why make Kuroko younger if he's the same age as them? Is it to get him to be more expressive since the younger they are the harder it is to hide emotions?
3/30/2015 c2 1Naeme
I like it!
It's good and interesting. Imagining Tetsuya without legs is hard for me but I'm trying hard! I like the new idea. I haven't read something like this before so it's all new and interesting.
By the way: I already hate Kuroko's dad.
Thanks for this story! Hope for more!
3/29/2015 c2 Hazard
...Pfft. I could see where Ahomine's personality in the real timeline came from.
3/29/2015 c2 ShinseiShinwa
I just can't wait until things with Akashi and Kuroko kick off :))))))
3/29/2015 c2 Another observer of the world
More bad than being paralyzed is not having legs because by being paralyzed you still have a chance at rehabilitation and at last you still have something there !
I morw perturbed by people without a member than those who have one paralyzed. As I mentioned up at least they still have something a human without legs is like a tree without roots that's just a stick in the earth.

Don't get me wrong this story is awesome and you just picked my interest even further with that thing (Kuro's father he doesn't deserve to be called a human being)
Oh! one thing if it's Kuro's father shouldn't he call his son by his first name Tetsuya ?

I can't wait to see what will happen next ! GOM are so cute ! I love their interaction with Kuro now I really want to read more he he !
Now I will go to eat breakfast and think of ways to torture that sorry excuse of a parent *dark laugh* by the way if you are curious it's 10:50 now.
At last that idiot father did something good by remarriage that game Kuro that awesomebig brother Ao
Good Luck ! Wow I wrote a lot !
3/28/2015 c2 gone deleted killed account
What a positive father figure he has... I enjoyed the hapter please update soon I look forward to more.
3/28/2015 c2 FFNS
Aww... poor Tetsu-chan... D:
3/28/2015 c2 LadyGrayisWearingAPoisonRing
I have a feeling that Tetsuya Father blames him for his mothers death, If that is the case AKASHI I BEG YOU TAKE KUROKO OUT OF THE HOUSE LET EM LIVE WITH YOU!... sorry i've been reading to many Gom X Kuro stories lately and also alot of AkaKuro stories... yeah. Also here is a strange question for you in future chapters will Kuroko be injured once again and there will be a clash between father and Aomine? maybe even the Gom... I reapeat i have been reading way to many Gomx Kuro stories.
3/28/2015 c2 7StrawberryDemon
this was really sad :( I love your writing style can't wait for next chapter!
3/24/2015 c1 gone deleted killed account
Awwwwwwwwwww... you've over done the cuteness... by... So... much...
3/20/2015 c1 cynicalreader02
Is it bad that I'm wondering where his legs are?
I think it is.
I love this story already so I'm following it
3/19/2015 c1 Guest
This is an extremely interesting idea...please update soon. :)
While you look forward to reviews, I look forward to updates of interesting stories. :3
One question, is Kuroko going to stay Kuroko Tetsuya, or is he going to change to Aomine Tetsuya? Though I'm fine either way, it might get a bit confusing...
Welp, still, please update soon! :D
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