Just In
for I'm not Red, I'm Ash

12/4/2024 c13 Guest
Please update this story whenever you are ready
5/15/2024 c13 Zara1016
3/8/2024 c13 Guest
Wasted chapter plus the source code is still present
9/8/2023 c3 Me
why is everyone attracted to Ash? He’s like 10 and they’re full grown ADULTS
8/23/2023 c3 Guest
What's up with a gay surge
4/3/2023 c13 meh31324
please update
12/23/2022 c13 5Dark Neko 7000
What will happen next time
10/16/2022 c13 Fox Sage 1
Update please
7/19/2022 c5 Hellibleri
And I forgot to mention the adults are pedos. Staking claim? To a ten-yead-old?
7/19/2022 c4 Hellibleri
It’s an interesting story. Nothing high quality, not that you’d expect from a fanfiction. It’s cheesy, to say the least. When Lt. Surge was defeated, that dialogue seemed bland. Same with the other characters who faced retribution. A fun story to read but not much else.
7/4/2022 c8 4Veta Takomoro
Woo! Kingler!
7/4/2022 c2 Veta Takomoro
Oh man... no Krabby, my beautiful round 1 sweeper. Rest in Peace buddy, you'll forever be one of my favorites.
4/27/2022 c13 mf9676
Really like this story! Hope that you continue it :)
10/6/2021 c6 2AssassinSorcerer
you good author please upload some more dam chapters as I am reading this story for the sixth time literally .
9/13/2021 c1 Guest
Honestamente me desecciona que Ash y Sabrina aquí los pudieras como hermanos y no como pareja ya que hubiera sido más conveniente , eeeh ni pensar que en otras tres historias Sabrina la pusieron como su prima que terrible pensamiento rogamos a arcceus para que nunca sea así porque repito es terrible
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